Subject: It's still January. Feeling depleted? Do this ➡️

Hi Friend,

How are you feeling today?

Let's take a deep breath in (count 1, 2, 3, 4)

and release (slowly count 1, 2, 3, 4).

One more time. :)

Take a deep breath in (count 1, 2, 3, 4)

and release (slowly count 1, 2, 3, 4).

Imagine that you have an internal fuel tank and a gauge on your dashboard that lets you know how full it is.

If you were to gauge your energy levels - as if it was the fuel tank - how full is your tank?

Are you running on a half tank?

Full up?

Or is the danger light on and you're running on empty?

At the moment, what I'm finding is that it's "emotional exhaustation" that is draining people's energy.

When our emotional resources are used up in trying to cope with challenging situations — such as overwhelming demands, work pressure, relationship conflict or lack of support at work or at home — our sense of well-being, our energy and vitality is diminished.

Overcoming emotional exhaustion requires a combination of 4 approaches:

#1 reducing the drain on your emotional resources,

#2 learning to conserve energy

#3 learning to conserve emotional resources

#4 regularly replenish energy and emotional resources

While working 1-on-1 is the best way to not only get to the root of your specific energy and emotional drains but also with coaching you can get the accountability to reset behaviours with ease, clarity and confidence.

But here are some DIY questions that can help to investigate your energy and emotional leaks:


-> what is causing your emotional exhausation?

-> what is taking your energy (and not giving any energy in return)


-> are your days balanced with rest, recreation and work?

-> what routines do you have to nurture yourself?


-> do you have a strategy to emotionally regulate yourself?

-> what do you do when a stressful situation happens?


-> when do you rest? (I didn't ask when do you sleep) ;)

-> how do you reconnect with yourself?

Now is the time to set up a whole new paradiym to refuel yourself in 2023.

Self Alchemy coaching with Heidi is a combined  "self + lifestyle" appraoch to
mind + body + social + spirit
well-being, to effectively:
balance your nervous system,  release anxiety, feel grounded in peace in your body,  manifest with clarity and confidence,
& do more self-empowering actions that increase health & wealth.

In the meantime, which of the 4 approaches to overcoming emotional exhaustion are you going to focus on?

And remember, what's the best that could happen?

Sending love,


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