Subject: Is this your number 1 priority? 😍

Hi beautiful,

How are you doing? 

Here in France, we're reaching record heights for Summer temperatures... I'm loving the glorious sunshine and heat. Today, I'm heading over the hills into Switzerland for an Alpine Botany day course. 

I wanted to talk today on a theme that came up in many sessions this week, which is... 

Fear can come in many disguises and fear can be wholeheartedly debilitating (until we face it). Once we take the shadow out for a dance in the light, even fumble around, standing on toes, fear can become a great mover and shaker! ;)


Judgement, rejection, criticism can all conceal the biggest fear of all... moving forward IN A NEW WAY.

We know we want this NEW WAY,
we've been building towards it, 
we've decided our "failures" are stepping stones,
we've put new behaviours in place (because you've learned the hard lessons from the "failures",
we've got a new support system,
all actions pointing to "YES!" "I am willing to move forward in a new way, towards this life, these new projects and business I have been busy cultivating!"

So... WHY the fear?

Why do we fear what we want the most? 

Because we're playing an old tape in our head.
The part of our brain that is programmed to keep us safe, the amygdala is linked to the parts of the brain that govern your senses, muscles and hormones – enabling your body to react quickly to the sight or sound of a threat. The same information can also travel via the cortex, where it is put together to get the whole picture.


So the amygdala has not experienced this new reality that we're steadily manifesting, and is reminding you of the times that it remembers best (it wants to do a really good job in protecting you, after all).
Of course, these old memories registering in your emotional body as pain
and before you know it you're running from the old movie of how shitty it felt
when that thing that you wanted didn't work out (the way you wanted to).


What if... it's actually still unfolding and all the most ideal circumstances for what you want haven't fully formulated yet... but they are on the way because of the new changes, new behaviours, new patterns you are creating?

What if you're only mid-weave on the tapestry of your desire?
And you just had to change threads, and then you had to change the pattern.
It's not a failure, it's called CREATION.

You could not know how to create as skillfully as you do without learning the detours.

You could not have the clarity of your values and the new relationships without learning through the discernment.

You could not have the space to CREATE THE NEW without letting go,
you couldn't not let it in THE NEW without learning deeper, higher love.  

Because, here's what I know for sure... the universe is organising for your greatest success.


The universe is coordinating, undulating, percolating your desires into something much greater than you can imagine.

So... your NUMBER 1 PRIORITY must be to get into a good feeling space.
ing taken care of

All the new success and experiences that you desire CAN ONLY enter into a feeling good space, which means that you have to FEEL GOOD to receive them. 

Homework for this week... practice these questions AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE
before as many tasks and conversations as possible:

  • what feels good for me now?
  • does this empower me or disempower me?
  • is this satisfying?
  • what feels joyous to me in this moment?
  • what feels loving to me now?
  • what's the best that can happen?

It can sound simple, but the simplest actions can make the biggest transformations. 

Need some extra support in feeling good?

This Reiki Sound Therapy clears and balances each of your chakras,
grounding you into your body. I recommend beginning your day and ending your day with this sound therapy meditation.

This reiki sound therapy meditation carries deep, relaxing, energy-balancing tones healing throughout the body from root to crown, with the intention of a deep and zealous reconnection with your own physical body.

This reiki sound therapy meditation relieves stress in the body, promoting creative thinking and a better night’s sleep. 

Prepare to let go, feeling a new sense of clarity, like a weight had been lifted from our shoulders.

If you require extra support in dancing with fears and rewriting scripts that are personal to you in a loving space, schedule your Natural Alchemy session here

Remember... what's the best that can happen?

To supporting you,

S A T ~ C H I T ~ A N A N D A

Heidi Lidholm

N A T U R A L   A L C H E M Y 
awaken to your innate power through
reiki + herbalism + sound healing + psychology