Subject: Inner 🔥. Scorpio 🌙 Calling!!

Hi Friend,

How was your week? Were you able to focus on the things you can control? Even in challenging times, a deep breath and a smile can always bring peace into the present moment.

The winds of change are sweeping through the world. As we navigate our personal journeys, it's clear that the need for radical change is palpable right now. Today, let's delve into the cosmic energy that shapes our experiences.

The cosmic choreography of the planets impact the energy of the collective and the individual.

We are not isolated entities but threads woven into the vast tapestry of the universe, each lunar phase a reminder of our connection to the greater cosmic whole, The new moon heralds beginnings, a canvas of potential with our intentions as the paint, and six months later, the full moon illuminates the fruits of that six month creative journey. As the moon waxes and wanes, so do we, riding the currents of energy that bind us to the universal dance.

Tonight the sky is dark as we enter into the Scorpio new moon.

New moons are typically a time for introspection, reflection and self revelations but because of current placements of other planets, the energy right now is explosive, which can be destructive or transformative or both.

Under the darkened sky of the Scorpio new moon, it's a moment to welcome the truth within you - the truth about how you feel, what you want - so that you can use this transformative energy to nourish the intentions you plant at this time.

I invite you to take a few moments to answer the following the journal prompts. There's no wrong answers. Just fire through them and write or speak what first comes to your mind.

Let yourself be heard by yourself.

Let yourself be ok with your answers.

Let yourself honour your answers.

Your wants and needs are valid.

Take a moment for self-reflection with the following journal prompts:

I'm feeling...

I'm relating to...

I'm nourishing with...

I'm getting cosy with...

I'm mourning...

I'm releasing...

I'm relaxing into...

I'm diving into...

I'm tidying up...

I'm changing how...

I'm feeling differently about...

I'm reconnecting with...

I am feel intensely about..

I'm wanting more...

I'm passionate about...

I'm ready for...

Your wants and needs are not just valid; they are your responsibility to claim.

This is a week for making progress, one small step at a time. The actions you feel compelled to take might surprise others and even yourself. If it feels unpredictable and transformative, like

"this is crazy, but I feel I've got to," or

"I've got to break free and do this," or "I just know I've got to do this,"

then, you're on the right track!

Embrace the cosmic dance, Friend. Your desires are guiding you to transformative places.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you a week of bold steps and surprising revelations.,


yoga + emotion potions

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