Hi Friend,
Today's New Moon in Leo carries with it so summer time "new year, new you vibes". Can you feel it?
It's the most potent time of the year to:
Take bold action
Bring joy
Shine brightly
Laugh out LOUD
So the question has to be -
What projects and people light your heart up?
Because t's time to make bold moves in the direction of what ignites your heart.
Seriously, who and what make your heart skip a beat??
What’s holding you back?
Your heart took a big leap - and then all the reasons in your head starting firing their negative reasons
why it's not the right time, place, year and how many hurdles and challenges will ensure it will never work.
Often, we don't even notice the habits and patterns preventing us from fully letting go or not longer is beneficial for us.
How about reframing "letting go" to "Letting in"?
How to get on track with your heart's higher love path?
Emotion Potions are handcrafted flower essence elixirs designed to help balance emotions and clear energetic blockages that might be holding you back.
Imagine facing a closed window, trying to get out, and after taking an emotion potion, suddenly pivoting slightly to the left to find an open door right beside you that you can walk on through. That's the power of flower essences.
My Personal Journey with HIGHER LOVE and NEW PATH