Subject: Ignite Your 💖's Path: Time for Bold Action 🧭

Hi Friend,

Today's New Moon in Leo carries with it so summer time "new year, new you vibes". Can you feel it? 

It's the most potent time of the year to:

  • Take bold action

  • Bring joy

  • Shine brightly

  • Laugh out LOUD

So the question has to be -

What projects and people light your heart up?

Because t's time to make bold moves in the direction of what ignites your heart.

Seriously, who and what make your heart skip a beat??


What’s holding you back?

Your heart took a big leap - and then all the reasons in your head starting firing their negative reasons

why it's not the right time, place, year and how many hurdles and challenges will ensure it will never work.

Often, we don't even notice the habits and patterns preventing us from fully letting go or not longer is beneficial for us.

How about reframing "letting go" to "Letting in"?

  • What would your heart like to let in?

  • What would your heart like to experience?

How to get on track with your heart's higher love path?

Emotion Potions are handcrafted flower essence elixirs designed to help balance emotions and clear energetic blockages that might be holding you back.

Imagine facing a closed window, trying to get out, and after taking an emotion potion, suddenly pivoting slightly to the left to find an open door right beside you that you can walk on through. That's the power of flower essences.

My Personal Journey with HIGHER LOVE and NEW PATH

Trust Yourself and Step into A New Future

Navigating life can sometimes feel like a balancing act, especially when you're facing new challenges, big decisions, or unexpected hurdles. You may feel uneasy about the future, impatient, or even doubt your own skills and abilities. But imagine bridging the gap from the old to the new with renewed confidence and trust in yourself.

New Path is here to support you:

  • Feeling uneasy about the future

  • Impatient

  • Doubting your skills, decisions, and capabilities

  • Lacking confidence

  • Facing big (unexpected) hurdles (hello, self-sabotage)

  • Fixating on thoughts from the past

How New Path Changed My Life:

New Paths specific formulation helped me to:

  • Bridge the gap from old into new

  • Boost confidence to pursue my goals, vision, and desires

  • Trust myself: my ability, instinct/intuition, and decisions

  • Feel greater ease with the pace of life

  • Release the need to control outcomes

  • Let go of the unnecessary and unhelpful baggage from the past

  • Relax into what’s unfolding so opportunities keep aligning with my heart's higher love experiences

  • Release the guilt of the past and that sense of feeling stuck

  • Switch overwhelm and impatience for enjoyment and presence with what’s unfolding

  • Feel more confident with new decisions and direction on my new path (heart's higher love experiences)

Both Higher Love and New Path are 100% natural with clean ingredients, delivered in a 30ml glass bottle – ideal for travel and carrying with you.

An Emotion Potion is an oral remedy: spritz the elixir into your mouth with 4 pumps of the spray, morning & night, and as needed.

HIGHER LOVE is about unblocking lighter and higher expressions of love within you and grounding you on the path of heart.

 💖✨The intention with Higher Love is " I radiate love". When you are love, you see love, you feel love, you encounter love, you receive love.

There's one more question left to ask YOUR HEART Friend ~> what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you joy, bold actions and loads of LOLs,


P.S. Say hi on instagram❣️

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