Subject: I hope my actions NEVER EVER... 👀 ⁉️



awake audacious abundant

hi Friend

How's your heart? your stomach? your feet?

It's ok to take a few deep breaths to check in with yourself.

Back in September 2019, I was in a yoga class with one of my favourite teachers, Dechen Thurman. Brother to Uma Thurman and son of Robert Thurman, highly regared as "first endowed chair in Buddhist Studies in the West".

His classes are as mentally stimulating as they are physical challenging. Dechen's far-out esoteric-comisc-hindu-buddhist sillolquays are refreshing and enlightening...

Joking :)

At the crescendo of one of his monologues, he announced something he declared a truth that transformed one of my beliefs -> and therefore, transformed my life.

"I hope my actions never cause you suffering."

At the time, I was going through the birth canal of a very difficult and challenging season. In the days and hours before the class, I was suffering.

So in that moment - the gates flew open - YES.

I want to live that.

I hope my actions never cause another to suffer.

I mean, imagine for a hot minute if we all intentionally commit to living - may my actions never cause you suffering.

Let's face it - as the world spins - to cause no suffering to another, we would have to close almost every retail and food establishment on every high street, forget about avocados for every meal and..

oh yeah, see ya later,!

Back on the mat, my thoughts spiralled...

So if I'm suffering,

and I don't want to cause anyone else to suffer...

then, am I am holding someone accountable (blaming 😬) for my suffering?

Oops, maybe... kinda... yes.

Unconsciously, yes.

Definitely, unconsciously, yes.

But now it had become conscious.

And as I have said before, the truth reorients and protects.

If I don't want another to think I am suffering because of them...

If I'm suffering because of something I feel about them...

If I'm suffering because I have no control over the situation and I feel totally hopeless...

If I don't want to blame another for my suffering...

If I don't want my actions to cause another to suffer...

The veils opened...


😳 🥺 😳 🥺 😳 🥺 😳 🥺

On that day in September 2019, I committed to give up suffering.

I have been in recovery ever since.

I'm in recovery because

it's an ongoing process - to choose not to suffer and to choose to not to be the cause of another's suffering, day by day.

If you're interested in exploring some of the tactics I've used to flip my suffering, I'm preparing a blog post (and my new website... yayyyyy!!) on Suffering Recovery so as soon as it's ready, I'll let you know.

In the meantime, I pledge - that

my actions never cause you to suffer.

Are you with me?

There’s only one question left to ask:

What’s the BEST that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live love,

devotion in motion

to your authentic wellness.

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