Subject: Howl 🐺 with the moon 🌕

Hi Friend,

Welcome to Sunday,

welcome to the Scorpio full moon (lunar eclispse) and welcome to a new beginning;

which means welcome to an ending.

From this moment forward...

It is safe for you to be you.

It is safe for you to love you.

The soul's path is figure out;

what is meaningful for you,


what is authentic to you?

what is freedom for you?

True, pure, authentic-to-you freedom cannot be dictated to you or manipulated into you or even validated by another.

That's why freedom is a painful path.

That's why the freedom (your authentic soul path) is the path untethered.

You have to seek and act-i-on your own liberation.. 

You are co-creating 

all of the time.

Be audacious enough
to LOVE yourself.

Love yourself enough to 

say no thank you,

go to bed early,

light candles,

start Monday with a long, sensual soak in the bath,

sip tea slowly,

sleep under the stars,

bake a cake,

to hear your feelings,

wander in the woods or in the city just because,

to say this is what I want,

to say this is what I need,

to say this is who I be.



Give a shit enough about yourself to chill with yourself. Your primary job is to take care of YOU, Friend.

Sometimes loving yourself requires more gentleness with yourself

  • let go stress

  • feel good in your skin

  • reconnect with enjoying yourself

  • ease the need for certainty and control

  • feel more ease with feeling peace and


  • relaxing into being you

Sometimes loving yourself requires walking the path of your soul's purpose

  • movement in new direction

  • reconnection to activities and work that ignites your passion

  • listen to your own inner wisdom

  • (re)new sense of ambition

  • follow inspiration with greater ease

  • trust yourself

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