Subject: How you know it’s time to level up 🚀🚀 ??

Hi Friend,

Take a deep breath,

and slow, audible exhale.

I woke up this morning on a magic carpet ride.

(more on that in a second)

First, I have something important I need to talk to you about.

It's about last week… when we looked at negative emotions. 

By any chance, did you use last week's email to help you identify and let go of feeling shitty emotions? 

So, I did Friend

No, really, I did. 

I went back to the email on 3 different occasions last week. 

Why? Because I got stuck remunerating, marinating, suffocating myself on some particularly sticky negative emotions.  

First, I had to stop myself and think - what can I do to alter this state?

I took myself into the Pines and I was walking, feeling better...

BUT the damn thoughts started to creep in again. 

Then, it hit me - like a feather swept past my cheek! The Sunday newsletter. See if it works. Use it to verify your emotions. 

Sure enough, within seconds of reading the email and identifying the emotion, I was free!  

What had been burdening me, weighing me down, making me feel stuck, moody and shitty - had now entirely lifted. 

I identified the feeling (to my surprise!!) as sadness.

I was surprised because there was a bunch of emotions and stories in the way that prevented me from understanding that I was feeling sad, but when I took the time to really ask myself - which emotion on the list was I feeling?

I was feeling SADNESS plain and simple.

From last week's email:


Shows you the depth of your feeling, the depth of your care for other and this world;

  • are you willing to let this move through you?

  • how do you express sadness - how can you release it or allow it move though you?

I thought for a few momenst about what I was actually sad about and I allowed myself to fully feel the sadness. Like picking up a bucket water of sadness, I let it just drench me.

Once I identified the negative emotion and read the questions, it was like I could take an album of photos titled “sadness” in my brain - see them as one big collection and then delete the folder in one swoop. 

*Big sigh of relief*

It was nice to understand myself. 

It was nice to soothe myself and listen to what I was really feeling.

It was awesome to feel free by moving though the sadness.

So let’s get back to me sitting pretty on a magic carpet this morning. 

Well, here’s where letting go goes NEXT LEVEL. 

And by magic carpet, I mean wrapped up in my blanket sipping maple syrup and coffee during my morning meditation.  

Letting go goes next level - when letting go
becomes letting GOODNESS, GREATNESS in.

Positive feelings flow naturally when negative feelings are not active.

Nothing needs to be done to acquire positive feelings as they are our natural state.

Letting go is the key to LETTING IN happiness, security, serenity, reverence, lovingness, peace, harmony, meaningfulness, completeness, ease, joy.  

The positive state is your natural state.

Your natural (happy, secure, serene, revering, loving, peaceful, harmonious, meaningful, complete, easeful, joyful) state is always there, it is just covered over by suppressed and entangled negative feelings.

When the clouds are removed the sun shines forth. 

If you get stuck in some negative emotions this week, I invite you to go back to last week's email with the subject "Negative emtions don't exist, right?" and use the list to 1. identify what you're really feeling 2. review the questions.

And then, mindfully breathe into the feelings of the serene positive state as much as you can.

Enjoy the magic carpet ride Friend!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life from the inside out

natural ~ adventurous ~ sustainable ~ spiritual

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