Well, here’s where letting go goes NEXT LEVEL.
And by magic carpet, I mean wrapped up in my blanket sipping maple syrup and coffee during my morning meditation.
Letting go goes next level - when letting go
becomes letting GOODNESS, GREATNESS in.
Positive feelings flow naturally when negative feelings are not active.
Nothing needs to be done to acquire positive feelings as they are our natural state.
Letting go is the key to LETTING IN happiness, security, serenity, reverence, lovingness, peace, harmony, meaningfulness, completeness, ease, joy.
The positive state is your natural state.
Your natural (happy, secure, serene, revering, loving, peaceful, harmonious, meaningful, complete, easeful, joyful) state is always there, it is just covered over by suppressed and entangled negative feelings.
When the clouds are removed the sun shines forth.