Subject: How trees 🍃 can help in letting go 🍃🍂

Hi Friend,

Have you noticed that the trees let go,

leaf 🍃

by leaf? 🍂

Like the ripening of fruit,

the moment it is ready -

The leaf releases its final performance of Grace through the air

to transmute back into the earth.

🍃What needs to be released can be queued up

and given all the space and time requires.

🍃There’s no rush.

The leaves let go,

Slow and steady.

🍂What is ready to go, can go with grace.

🍁All can be seen as nourishment -

the hustle, the tears, the fears, the falls, the big wins, the scrambled relationships, the epic moments, the laughter… maybe even the magic.

Similar to the end of yoga class, the final asana,

Savasana (corpse pose), when we die to the practice.

After all of the effort, power and focus we put in during class, we let it all go for integration -> integrating the new space and circulation created from the pressing pressure points, opening up limbs and bringing fresh bloodflow to the connective tissue.

Let it all nourish you in its transmutation back to love. 🍁

Let the new learnings sustain you breathing light through winter.🕯️

Let the seeds and magic moments bloom into an abundance of magnificent experiences in the new year. 🌳 🌳 🌳

For me the biggest gift

(and there’s so many) from living cyclically, rather than linearly, is learning to be fully alive in now.

That was really daunting at first.

I worried about getting it all done, doing it all, doing it all wrong/right… and then I just started doing by being.

Being here now.

Because the season begins

And the season ends.

Some tasks are best done in a certain season.

Certain tasks can only be done within a certain season.

And that’s ok.

Maybe now you know what you want to plant next year.

And there’s another gift, you’ll get that chance next season.

That is the beauty of being alive.

Questions for reflection:

  1. What's your #1 revelation/lesson from the Summer?

  2. What's your #1 revelation/lesson from September?

  3. What is ripe to let go now?

  4. What are willing to let go, day by day?

  5. What are you willing to let in now?

  6. What are you willing to let in, day by day?

And for now ~

As Watts would say


There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live light; from the inside out

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