Subject: How to meditate 🧘 without meditating 🧘‍♀️

Hi Friend!

Have you ever wanted the quickest, natural way to

✅ reduce stress

✅ relieve anxiety

✅ relax with ease

✅ increase focus
well then, you’re in the right place.

But first - How are you feeling today Friend?

How's your mind, your feet, your heart?

While I am a fan of sitting upright in serene stillness, it's taken me YEARS to be able to enjoy it.

For a very long time, my nervous system only had two modes: FULLY (anxious) ON or FULLY (asleep) OFF.  For the first two years of doing yoga, every time meditation or savasnna came along, I was the one snoring on the mat.

I know most people have no desire to do sit in silence and stillness and may never enjoy it.

So here's 6 ways to meditate WITHOUT meditation - no bells, silence or ashrams necessary.

Option 1: Restorative Yoga on Monday Morning

I'm going to start with what seems like the "it's too simple to be true that I won't even bother", BUT it's actually the hardest.

One of my favorite yoga teacher's used to offer a 10am Restorative Yoga class - at first I thought she was BANANAS for doing so.

Isn't everyone stressed at work, anxiously mowing emails and tensely ploughing through the to-do-list on Monday morning? Who has time to begin Monday mornings with peaceful breathing and gentle stretching? That's too stressful. Surely you're better off pounding the treadmill to get the adrenaline pumping??

Little did I know. It was in 2016-2017 that I started to attend that 10am class and I'm still talking about it. It was one of those simple (very hard) things that changed my worldview of Monday mornings. It was challegning because it was the ultimate schedule turn-upside-down-and-inside-out AND the ultimate gift to myself. If you can do a restorative yoga class on a Monday Morning - you have defied the logic of industrial capitalist society complex and you're now a gangsta buddha.

Option 2: Find your Yin Tang Point

Your "Yin Tang" point is a acupressure point where your 3rd eye is located; the space between your two brows. Make sure your hands are clean, and ideally, take a drop of your face-oil of choice, to gently massage this area at the medial end of the two eyebrows - and then hold a light pressure. Then. use the tip of your index finger or your thumb to apply pressure on the center point between the medial end of the two eyebrows, where you will feel a slight indentation. Feels like meditating without meditation.

Option 3: Reiki Sound Bath

This is a reminder to use this tool as it delivers the benefits and feelings of meditation without meditating. I have imbued reiki healing energies into this sound bath to bring a grounding and balancing resonance to your mind and body. I press play when I need to focus on a task or when I need to clear my mind and especially when my physical body is present a pain. I also play it in the background while I create Emotion Potions.

Option 4: Walk barefoot without your phone

Did you know that all electrical power needs to be grounded into the earth in order for it to conduct? The earth has an electromagnetic charge.

Walking for 30 minutes barefoot allows the body to recharge with the natural electrons of the earth. If you haven't heard of this before - check out Clint Ober's research in his Earthing book or his documentary "Earthing" on YouTube.

Option 5: Take CHILL emotion potion

For when you want to:

  • let go stress

  • feel more relaxed

  • release mind chatter

  • feel comfortable in your skin

  • reconnect with enjoying yourself

  • ease the need for certainty and control

  • feel peaceful

  • reduce fear of unknown/uncertainty of bigger societal issues (pandemic, climate change)

BUT right now you’re here:

  • struggling to wind down/relax,

  • impatient,

  • stressed mind / mindchatter,

  • tension in your body,

  • discouraged,

  • exhausted but can’t rest,

  • perfectionism,

  • inflexible to change,

  • overworking,

  • find yourself fixating on thoughts from the past.

"Chill" is the 100% natural remedy with supernatural powers.

Option 6: Put on a song and lie on the floor

When most people think "meditation", they get caught up with all the rules and traditions. When really the number 1 most important aspect of meditation is "relaxing your mind". 

If you can "relax your mind" you are meditating.

So lie on the floor or your bed and listen to a song a love.

Listen to a song you haven't listened to in years.

Listen to a new song.

Listen to a song with no lyrics.

Listen to a song that ignites a memory.

And let yourself be ~ there ~ breathing in the present moment.

This is meditation.

Meditation is letting go of all the resistance to letting yourself just be fully in the now.

From the moment you begin the song, until the end.

Promise yourself you don't need to do something for anyone else, you don't need to fix, prepare, plan, get, do, tell... just be there until the end of the song.

And there you have it – you are meditating WITHOUT MEDITATION.

Now that you know how to meditate without meditation, there’s just one thing left for you to do: take action.

Choose 1 of the 6 options to get the fast-track to

✅ reduced stress

✅ relieve anxiety

✅ relax with ease

✅ increase focus.

Thanks for being here!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,


yoga + emotion potions

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