Subject: Full Moon 🌕 Disconnect from Distraction + Disruption

Happy Full Moon in Libra dearest Friend,

Full moons are a potent time for self reflection.


At this time to the sub-conscious (darkness, yin) is illuminated.

In our society the relevation of the supressed yin can erupt as arguments with partners/family/colleagues, erratic behaviour, heightened sensitivity.

It can seem like 'we're back here again" as the same but different disagreements and destructive behaviours cycle back around.

It can seem like all the progress just disappears and we're 3 steps back, going around in circles.

Another way this manifests in society is that emergency care units hit peak capacity during a full moon - even though it's a more dangerous time for operations and accidents as we bleed more when the moon is full.

So... since this is a natural cycle, and maybe, like me, you're ready to change things up.

Let's consider trying something different;

we could see this as an opportunity to listen to the hidden/suppressed parts of ourselves.

BUT listening is not favored in this distraction-driven world, so hold tight - I have a tool to help you to
-> surprisingly, instantly ->

  • disconnect from over-stimulation,

  • relax your senses and

  • feel more peace in your mind and ease in your body.

BUT FIRST, let's listen to the hidden parts of ourselves.

So grab your journal or answer these questions aloud to yourself:

  1. What does being in balance like for you now?

  2. Are your  first  thoughts:

-> focusing on the past?

-> contingent on the actions of another person?

3. How about this finishing these 2 sentences -

-> I can't be balanced and peaceful because...

-> I can't be balanced and peaceful until...

-> If I am balanced and peaceful, I would...

You see Friend, this LIBRA full moon IS symbolically about harmonising balance between opposing forces.

As we know from breathing, we require the cooperation of inhale and exhale, of yin and yang to live; to simply be alive.

Now we have arrived at the opportune word for this full moon

As the disruptions of March make way for renewal, the most important enquiries of all is ->

4. Where can we co-operate to manifest our desires?

5. When can we co-operate to support another in manifesting their desires which EQUALLY co-operates to support you in manifesting your desires?

6. What could co-operation in your day-to-day life look like?

7. With whom can we begin a new cycle of co-operation?

Hint: the more honest you can be with yourself, the more enriching the next 6 month and 24 month cycle will be as these missing links for CO-OPERATION begin to manifest.

And so, now for the tool that surprisingly instantly let's a next level chill happen:

Be Here Now is a calming Mind + Body Mist to

> surprisingly, instantly ->

  • disconnect from over-stimulation,

  • relax your senses and

  • feel more peace in your mind and ease in your body.

Spritz this SCENTED Calming Mind + Body Mist before Yoga / after work / before bed to instantly imbue calmness.

Be Here Now is helpful to

  • disconnect from distraction and worry,

  • release mind-chatter,

  • feel greater ease in letting go and relaxing into the moment.

  • alleviate feelings of overwhelm, anxiety, over-thinking and remuneration on the past.

Additional Recommend uses:

  • Mist your face or pillow before bed to relax your mind and enhance sleep.

  • Stash a bottle in your car, purse, or desk for moments of overwhelm.

  • Spritz the mist liberally with restless kids and anxious animals for a surprisingly easy, instant chill.

  • Highly recommended for neurodivergent, empaths, Highly Sensitive Persons and anyone who feels overwhelmed in crowds, big cities, and noisy environments.

🤩 The gentle fruity forest scent encourages you to feel ease with a slower, more relaxed pace and invites you to reconnect with the wisdom of your body.

Please feel free to respond to this email with any questions Friend

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,


yoga + emotion potions

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