Subject: Fresh start? 😍 5 questions for a breakthrough!



Hi Friend,

With the new moon on Saturday, the Chinese New Year (Hello Water Rabbit!) today and we're fast approaching Imbolc on February 1st, which celebrates the first day of spring in the Celtic calendar... I can't help but FINALLY feel that "new year" energy now.

Trying to move forward in the last few weeks has felt more like being stuck in quicksand.

Whereas - now - or really, since yesterday - I feel have got some fresh insight into HOW to move forward - even if the new destination feels quite far away.

Have you got insight into how or what you want to move forward with? And

what you have been settling with and are ready to leave behind?

We can consciously choose to put this insight into action.

In fact, we have to - because now we have clarity and in the coming weeks forward momentum is supported.

Regardless of fear and anxiety, now and in the coming weeks we can take "fresh start" steps - releasing the old struggles - so we can move on to new frontiers.

And we are not starting from scratch.

We have been building these new foundations and we have been taking action - but there's still emotional baggage and emotional behaviors that are tying us to the past.

Here are 5 questions for reflection and observation at this time:

#1. What have you learned about your needs, values and self-worth since August 2022?

#2. What part of your life are you behaviours keeping you stuck in settling for less?

#3. What behaviours could you change (that would make the biggest difference) if you commited and focus on these behaviours*?

*pssst! It's probably the thing you are resisting and sabotaging the most.

#4. What's one action you could take to support changing this behaviour? Conversation? Ask for support? Set up a system? Reshuffle resources?

#5. How can you manage your anxiety around this change? So that if/when anxiety arises, you can move yourself through it with ease and courage.

Take some time to relfect, journal and action these questions. The emotion potion FRESH could be helpful in vibin' your new start.

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