Subject: Feeling Stuck? 😳 Here’s How to Start Healing

Hi Friend,

Do you feel kind of stuck?

Do you feel that a certain part of your life is so hard that every time you think about it, your nervous system goes into alarm mode, activating the panic button?

Do you feel that this part of your life is beyond your control?

If you do, firstly, I’m sorry that you feel this way and I’m proud of you for admitting it.




It's ok to admit that you have needs that are not being met, or that you have pain that needs healing.


And even if your world does shatter around you for admitting it – YOU ARE GOING TO BE OK and things can NOW LIFE CAN GET BETTER BECAUSE you admitted it.

Once we admit it, we can commit to the change we need to create.

My Journey Back to Myself

I’ve managed to make it back to feeling more like myself, not by chance, but by being meticulously intentional about healing.

So what is healing?

  • Healing is experiencing the opposite.

  • Healing is resolving a problem to regenerate a solution.

Earlier this year, I made a decision. I knew the pain of grief was overwhelming, and I didn't know if it would ever leave my body.

So since I knew I had to start creating an experience of the opposite of the pain.

To give you an idea of what this looked like:

  • My body flexibility and advanced yoga poses became impossible.

  • My entire body had closed up, especially around my arms, chest, and shoulders – they felt rock solid and locked shut.

  • My posture was slouched, my heart was broken, and my chest was pulling to the ground.

I decided that daily yoga and practicing a new form of yoga would become my daily discipline. This commitment became my lifeline, helping me both physically and mentally to regain my strength, restore openness and flexibility, and prioritize my own needs through this discipline.

The second decision was to buy a posture-correcting back brace. (That was how drastic the pain was.) So I bought this unbelievably uncomfortable contraption that strapped around my waist and my shoulders, pulling my shoulders back and pushing my chest forward. I grew by 2 inches. I could breathe better, my digestion improved, I looked confident, and I started to make empowering choices again.

The third thing I did was to take Higher Love emotion potion. Instead of getting stuck on how hard life can be when dealing with difficult relationships and feelings, Higher Love will guide you through this journey of uncovering a higher form of love from within yourself and following your heart's higher love direction.

The Power of Daily Discipline

On tough days, every thought in your head and every bone in your body may scream, "I DON'T WANT TO DO IT." But you do it because you promised yourself you would. This is healing – creating experiences of the opposite.

On easy days, when you're feeling great and friends invite you to do something fun, you might have to say no, reschedule, or meet them before or after. Sticking to your daily discipline is healing – creating experiences of the opposite.

This approach can be applied to:

  • Overcoming addiction

  • Healing from an illness

  • Recovering from an operation or accident

  • Healing a broken heart

  • Starting a business or new project

Experiences of the opposite require small, consistent changes.

The Miracles of Commitment

The BONUS is that the more you commit to your daily discipline, the more miracles expand from it.

  • It's impossible until it happens.

  • You can't know until you do it.

  • You don't know it's going to change until you give it permission to change.

THINK ABOUT THIS... for the 31 days in August, if you had to choose one thing that you could commit to (ONE THING) that will create an experience of the opposite?

What would it be Friend?

In the last two days, I've heard back from three delighted Higher Love customers. They shared how their relationships have shifted, how they feel more loved, and how deeper healing and connection have occurred in their lives. They’re attracting new, higher love matches, and it's been truly inspiring to hear.

Personally, I have much to share about my experiences with Higher Love. I switched to New Path in April and May, and then in June, I returned to Higher Love. During my recent travels to New York for yoga teacher training, I encountered only expressions of higher love. On my way into the city, my taxi driver and I sang "Sat Nam, Wahe Guru" the entire ride to Penn Station, and I shared Meridian Yoga tips and screenshots from my training manual with him. Then, on my way from Penn Station, I met a wonderful soul on the A train subway on route to JFK. We exchanged a rose quartz necklace for an Emotion Potion, creating a moment of beautiful higher love connection.

Higher Love contains the following flower essences:

🌿 Chestnut Bud: Stop repeating past mistakes and choose a better path.

🌿 Impatiens: Gain the patience to deal with daily frustrations.

🌿 Wild Oat: Find clarity in your life’s direction.

🌿 Clematis: Stay focused on your goals, turning dreams into reality.

🌿 Holly: Transform jealousy and anger into pure love and emotional balance.

🌿 Willow: Forgive past grievances and reclaim your happiness.

🌿 Centaury: Assert yourself confidently and express your true feelings.

If your heart is hurting and you want to break free from feeling stuck... unblock your heart's highest love direction with Higher Love. The New Moon batch will be brewed next week!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you an experience of the opposite,


P.S. Say hi on instagram❣️

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