Subject: Equinox ☯️ Quantum Meditation 🎟️

Hi Friend,

Take a deep breath,

you are exactly

where you need to be right now. 

Take an another deep breath,

 and an audible exhale.

If you found this last week challenging...

or if you’re open to trying a new manifestation technique in honour of today’s equinox…

Then I have just thing for you!

Back in 2014, I created a handful of online trainings. 

(Maybe you've been with me since then, and if that you, Friend, you're awesome, thank you so much!)

Since I still use the content that I created for these courses with clients today, I have decided to remake them. While I'm revising and remaking, there’s one meditation/training I would like to share with you today. 

It's a technique that I learned from Jean Houston’s “Unlock your Human Potential” course, which I had the honour of doing back in 2014.

If you don’t know Jean Houston, she has authored 26 books.

Margaret Mead took Houston under her wing and said 

“Jean, go out and harvest human potential”.

 Buckminster Fuller said 

“Jean Houston’s mind should be considered a national treasure.”

In this particular meditation, I walk you through what I feel is best penned as quantum manifestation.

So, we know that we can’t physically change the past.


what if we could change a feeling or insert a feeling INTO the past... could

that cause a differing ripple effect into our future?

I have to be honest with you,

from my own life experience (and what I've witness transpire with some clients and friends), I have come to believe

that when we alter the perception of the past, 

An altered result blossoms. 

Would you be open to giving this a whirl Friend?

I understand if you want to argue for its limitation,


since it's Equinox,

since it's the premiere of Aries Season,

since we're at threshold of Spring,

and since, in order to get a different result, we have to do something different (thanks Einstein!)


how about you trying this quantum meditation?

In the spirit of living limitless - the soul of limitless ever-evolving conscious potential…

I hope enjoy this 10 minute training

& I wish you limitless Equinox Blessings!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live love;

devotion to living you.

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