Subject: ⚡Energy as currency ⚡

Hi Friend,

Did you try a sweaty and healthy expression of anger last week? After sending my last email, I had an enlightening week diving into the theme of "anger." It led me to experiment with different ways to express it constructively because, as I mentioned, energy must be transformed.

This journey got me thinking deeply about our use of energy, how we sometimes misuse it, and the profound role that energy plays in our lives. While we've often heard the saying "time is money," I'd like to propose that energy is equally, if not more, valuable.

We meticulously consider how we spend our money, but do we put the same care into managing our energy?

Imagine this: instead of solely focusing on the financial cost of an activity or endeavor, we also account for its energetic cost. Every event, task, job, and even our relationships demand energy from us. Let's evaluate:

  • How much energy are we willing to invest?

  • What will be the energy return on investment?

  • How much energy will be required to restore what we've spent?

Take a moment to consider your daily life. How often do you find yourself drained, feeling like you've given all your energy to various obligations and responsibilities? How long does it take you to recharge fully and restore your energy? What do you do to recharge and restore? When was the last time you operated at full energetic throttle?

These questions hold immense importance because our energy levels directly influence our overall well-being. Consistently running on empty or failing to replenish our energy efficiently can lead to burnout, stress, and an overall sense of unfulfillment.

I believe this is a topic worth exploring. Tomorrow, I'll be back to delve deeper into strategies for boosting and sustaining your energy for a vibrant and fulfilling life.

In the meantime, take a moment to reflect on your energy levels today and last week. How are you currently managing, spending, and restoring your energy? 

Your energy is a valuable currency; let's ensure you're investing it wisely - and getting the best return on your energy!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you clarity and vitality,


yoga + emotion potions

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