Subject: Emotion Potions 🤠 BUT how do they work?

Hi Friend,

To understand how Emotion Potions work, we must flip the script a little.

An Emotion Potion is a solution-orientated remedy with a whole person + lifestyle approach to health.

Rather than suppressing symptoms and emotions, Emotion Potions synthesize the vibes of the body, brain and ego towards something new.

Believe it or not, rebalancing your natural vibes brings a sense of clarity, ease and confidence within you.

BUT... how does it work?

You see Friend, Emotion Potions are the green, clean revival of an ancient phytotherapy tradition.

The earliest European record of therapeutic flower essences was by Abbess Hildegard von Bingen in the twelfth century, who would place muslin sheets over flowers at night to absorb their dew, which would then be collected in the morning, rung out, and used to treat her patients.

No need to get lost in the damp darkness collecting the first morning dew, put your feet up and shop an Emotion Potion instead. 

With love,


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