Subject: Does anxiety effect your decisions? 😱 & gift for you Friend🎁

Hi Friend!

They say life is a series of choices.

Could it be more accurate to say December is a series of choices.

Is it just me or is "decision-making" chronic in December?

Last week we spoke about the power of self-empowering language,

and if you didn't save the image below on your phone or desktop,

may I remind you to do so?

Because how we communicate - using self-empowering or disempowering language directly effects our experiences.

So back to decision-making...

Is this right for me?

Do I go here or there?What do I do now?

Should I choose this project, place, person, party?

Two SUPERBLOOM clients this week inspired me to research "anxiety and decision-making" especially from the point of emotions and manifestation.

Thankfully the field of neuroscience is ripe for investigating the consequences and influences of emotions such as anxiety and fear in decision-making.

Whereas, this has been lacking in the standardised medical/pharmaceutical based investigations, mainly because emotional health is so challenging to quantify and the nature of the medical enquiry is "standardisation" based.

Neuroscience is a more progressive science for emotional health as, for example, they can use heatmaps of the brain to convey where the influence/consequence is taking place, which is quantifiable.

So while this study reminds us know that there is relatively little known about how or how-not anxiety influences decision variables, here is a summary of the conclusion of the study:

  • “ Anxiety increases the attention to negative choice options,

  • the likelihood that ambiguous options will be interpreted negatively, and

  • the tendency to avoid potential negative outcomes,

  • even at the cost of missing potential gains.”

Therefore, when making a decision from an anxious emotional state could increase the likeliness of us to create a negative-bias of the situation and

to believe that the most likely outcome would be negative.

Versus, if we were in a peaceful state,

we could assess a neutral, open-to-possibility, trusting, opportunity-biased decision.

I know that for me personally, when I find myself with the combination of feeling anxious and making a decision, I can over-inflate a relatively normal situation into a negative-biased massive wall or obstacle courses that seems impossible to complete.

I find that when this is happening my anxiety is being fed by a negative memory from the past which is directing my thoughts (sub-consciously and consciously) towards a negative-bias-outcome.

And this is entirely normal and safe reaction of the brain - it's my brain doing it's best to keep me safe. It means my brain has filed an anxious experience as "pain will follow this decision" and so my brain is alerting me to this in order to keep me alive.

In order to make decisions from a place of neutrality and without anxiety, here's the steps I take myself and take my SUPERBLOOM clients through:

  1. State the facts - when in heightened anxiety, we may have spiraled multiple negative scenarios on the same topic outside their actual scope, and have lost a firm grasp of the current facts

  2. Separate the facts from the past scenarios and the present fact-based situation

  3. Review your long-term goals - does the decision your making align with the long term goals - is it moving your closer or further away

  4. Contemplate the options that facilitate "growth" and what else could be set up to support a "growth" option

  5. What's the best that can happen? Let your imagine run wild in the other direction for a moment - in my experience, this is best accessed via a guided meditation with clients so I can assist to move you the neural pathways into new territory, beyond your negative-bias thoughts

  6. Most times, at this point, once we clarity the opportunity and growth options, we then need to go deeper into the buried emotions that are holding you back from moving forward freely, this is the "heal-to-manifest" process of SUPERBLOOM

  7. Set a realistic deadline with 1-3 small steps to actualise

Now this might seem like a lot to do on your own!

That's exactly what a SUPERBLOOM session is for - it's to get to the root of your sabotage or decision-paralysis or deep anxiety through socialising with your tricky emotions.

In a session, it's incredibly transformative to be held in a compassionate healing space where you can face your wounds and face the painful emotions you don't have to go into on your own - so you can FINALLY move through them ~ feel, understand, love them and let them go.

SUPERBLOOM is a holisitic "heal to manifest" process to create new outcomes from feeling inner peace, pleasure and presence.

When we feel peace, pleasure and presence within,

then the decisions we make from this place,

create MORE

experiences of peace, pleasure and presence.

Wouldn't that be a nice place to be operating from during December?

I would really LOVE for you to feel peace, pleasure and presence this month.

When the world is presenting us with lots of chaos, social engagements and chronic decision-making, it could be beneficial for you to reconnect and root firmly into yourself.

For the next 24 hours, I have a gift for you!

i would like to offer you this discount code


to use at checkout

for 21% off a SUPERBLOOM private session 

which includes a Bespoke Emotion Potion airmailed to you.

This discount is only available for 24 hours as I only have a limited number of spots available in December (and it's one big discount!).

If you would like to manifest from a place of inner peace, pleasure, presence with yourself; while the individualised emotion potion will support your changes and growth, then please use DECEMBER21 to get 21% off the private session - ONLY available for 24 hours.

End the year 2021 with 21% on me :)
Use the exclusive code at checkout now.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live love.

devotion to

your authentic wellness.

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