Subject:Β Disappointment part 2: πŸŒšπŸŒ•πŸŒ LETTING GO πŸŒšπŸŒ•πŸŒ

Hi Friend,

Happy final full moon of 2021!

A full moon is the cyclical lunar punctuation of revelation and illumination - this is when the hidden is revealed.

For each of us the reveal will be different - i

t could be in a relationship with yourself or someone you love,

it could be in your work projects or partnerships,

it could be in your study or your travel plans,

it could be in your home or in your body.

You can look to your where the full moon is in your birth chart for a hint or you can uncover the answer from within you.

Asking the following questions may be of benefit to this self enquiry:

What is the predominant feeling/thought that is circling in my mind?

What has been the focus of my time/thoughts/attention in the past 48 hours?

How do I feel about something now that differs from how you felt about it last week?

What would mean the most to you to communicate/do/feel/habitize by the next full moon?

More than one aspect of your life might be revealing itself for review, change, advancement or release - and that's ok.

Whatever is going on, you're doing great Friend!!

In preparation and celebration of Winter Solstice, honouring stillness tonight and in the coming days, is a potent time for gaining wisdom and clarity.

No one can give you the wisdom and clarity that you seek.

I can offer you tools for self honour, reflection, relaxation and emotional wellbeing.

I can offer you a space of stillness and listening.

I can offer you a weekly newsletter for self enquiry.

Only you can be willing and be available to listen and action the wisdom and clarity that you seek.

To lean into what can emerge from the silence; from the darkness in this space between the full moon and Solstice; let's recall Dhumavati.

Dhuvamati is the darkness, the void, the stillness of the eternal present the nothingness of everything. She is the goddess of despair, sadness, failure, disappointment and letting go.

Dhumavati is your capacity for letting go of the things you thought you needed.

Dhumavati is your capacity for letting go of the things you thought you wanted.

Dhumavati is your capacity for letting go of the things you thought you believed in.

As soon as we sit with the homeless woman on the street, we can accept her reality as a reality. We may not still want to choose it, but our fear of it dissipates.

Because once we sit on the ground beside the woman with nothing, we realise - I can still breathe, I can still laugh, I can still think, I can still make choices - I can still be. Surrendering to sitting with the homeless woman - you realise you are just sitting - it is as it is. The homeless woman isn't evil, she isn't scary - she just is.

BUT what feels so scary and evil is the feeling of loss, the feeling or losing everything - the feeling of being without everything that you know / everything that you have acquired / everything that you own.

So how can Dhumavati help with such great loss?

When we are so fearful to let go of what we need, want and believe - how can we let go?

'LET GO" is Dhumavati's mantra.

Dhumavati arises within you from the subtle whisper in your heart that encapsulates you like a wave crashing over your head ~ the type of wave that your survival depends on diving into the wave, rather than fighting it ~ Dhuvamati's becoming force of compassionate acceptance expands your borders of your heart, into your blood and skeleton and beyond until borders have no meaning ~ like smoke she flows through every molecule of you with an undeniable understanding that you are one with everything in this world.


Take a few deep breaths, breathe down deeply into your belly and ground into your body.

Close your eyes.

Visit the darkness. Take a few deep breaths here.

Take your awareness to the back of your head.

Be with yourself in darkness behind your eyes.

Take a deep breath in and as you exhale; think or say "let go".

Imagine, similar to the image above - there is a door and when you close the door, the things that you place through the door, fall into this channel of light, dissipating, dissolving from darkness ~ transmuting into the light that surrounds it and becomes it.

Now, we are going to go through a series of "letting go" of thoughts and things - placing them through the doorway to dissolve into the light.

  • Inhale: Consider things in your life that feel unfinished or satisifying.

  • Exhale: Put them through the doorway to dissolve into light.

  • Inhale: Consider things in your house that you feel attached to.

  • Exhale: Put them through the doorway to dissolve into light.

  • Inhale: Consider the titles you live : woman/man ; mother/father ; wife/husband ; daughter/son ; sister/brother ; nurse/scientist/teacher/plumber/manager/director/executive/coach/marketer/researcher/student/accountant ;
    emotional ; quiet ; depressed ; alone ; stuck ; kind ; neurotic ; intelligent ; funny ; tired ; happy ; sad ; unwell ;
    handsome ; beautiful ; tall ; short ; thin ; fat ; brown eyes ; blue eyes

  • Exhale: Put them through the doorway to dissolve into light.

  • Inhale: Consider all the aspects and experiences that make you are - that make your personality and everything you be

  • Exhale: Put it ALL through the doorway to dissolve into light.

  • What is left when everything has been let go?

  • Notice the S P A C E that contains where you be,
    Notice the S P A C E in your mind, in your body.

  • Notice the inter-connected with all / with nothingness that surrounds you

  • Focus on your breathe and melt deeply into your breath - slowly breathing in and slowly breathing out

  • Slowly breathing in "LET" and slowly breathing out "GO"

  • Breathe like this breathing in "LET" and slowly breathing out "GO"
    x 11 times.

When thoughts, impression, opinions, things, experiences are released into void, yet you are held in the emptiness of the consciousness - this is pure awareness - this is everything and this is nothing - this is you, too.

Let go, Friend.

In letting go, you're really letting love in.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



loveΒ life, liveΒ love.

devotion in motion to being you.

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