Subject: Dipping into willpower 💪❄️

Happy 2024 Friend,

How's the new year treating you so far? I hope the last email about calm thoughts served you through the holidays.

Let me share a little adventure from my end. In 2023, I took the plunge—literally. I dipped into a glacier river for a whopping 239 days "in a row". Yep, you read that right. 239 days of consistently, day after day, (except for a break of 9 days) embracing the icy cold glacier river water in Chamonix.

It wasn't always easy. Wet freezing temperatures, inconvenient locations, and no cozy sauna nearby.

And, I'm still going! I've dipped every day in 2024 and on a roll of 83 days and counting!

But, you know what? As hard as it may be, it never gets less exhilarating. Those chilly moments gift me a clear mind, inner strength and self respect that I never expected.

Now, why would anyone willingly jump into freezing water?

Well, I had my reasons. Life was good, perhaps a bit too comfortable. I had goals that I wasn't fully owning. So, I committed to this daily dip to confront my excuses, observe my priorities, and dismantle any self-sabotaging tendencies.

The biggest lesson I have learned is that the magic happens in the consistency. Not just doing something hard, but doing something hard that you don't necessarily like every single day.

Studies say it's like a workout for the anterior midcingulate cortex—the 'will to life' brain area. It grows not because the task is easy, but because you choose to tackle it daily, despite the temporary discomfort.

Let's face it; a better life requires getting cozy with discomfort.

Learning a new skill?

It takes practice.

And guess what?

'Willpower' is just another skill.

Give it some daily reps, and watch it grow.

It's about choosing yourself, growing beyond the voice in you that says "i don't feel like it" by doing it over and over. I'm really starting to see it as self-respect on the deepest level.

Now, if I'm being honest, this daily dipping wasn't the only addition to my life that created this deep "I trust myself no matter what". In fact, the transformation began a month prior with a little special something, and I firmly believe it set the stage, sparking the momentum, and aligning the trust and inner strength that unfolded throughout the latter part of 2024. The big reveal is scheduled for Friday, so keep a close watch on your inbox! 🌟

Here's to the year of unlocking your super self within you!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you growth and prioritising you,


yoga + emotion potions

P.S. If you want to join my journey, I post my dip every day in my stories as a form of accountability and in order to "dry off" and acclimatise to the cold, after the freezing water.

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