Subject: Dealing with uncertainty... through prayer... when you're an atheist! 😇

Hi beautiful, 

How are you today?

Uncertainty sucks, I know. What's going on in the world right now, personally and collectively can feel sticky and it's icky, it's uncomfortable and it's daunting when.. 

we allow it to be sticky and icky. 

Picture a butterfly that just stuck in honey... the more it struggles and pushes the deeper it gets stuck in the honey... the more we worry about the uncertainty or the things that are outside of our own personal sphere of influence, the more we suffer.

So how do we stop uncertainty?

In my experience, we don't stop it, we conquer it. 

We can conquer uncertainty by enjoying the things in your own personal sphere of influence, doing the simple things to the best of your ability and while you're so focused on enjoying the simple things, the path will unfold and we'll be taken to EXACTLY where we need to be. 

Yup, there's a gift to uncertainty... and it's TRUST. 

I learned the gifts of uncertainty the hard way a few years ago... 

And really, how are you doing today? Click on reply to let me know. :)

Me... I'm about to take the afternoon off, sit on my balcony and soak up some sun, listen to the birds chirping and read. I'm on day 30 of quarantine in the Northern French Alps... facing 30 more days. Voilà, we're in this together!

Big love,

Remember... what's the best that can happen?

Big love,

S A T ~ C H I T ~ A N A N D A

Heidi Lidholm

N A T U R A L   A L C H E M Y 

awaken to your innate power to heal, create & love
beyond condition, competition & compromise