Subject: Cannonball... ready, set, go! 💣

Hi beautiful,

Give yourself a pat on the back and a big ___ of whatever you like to celebrate yourself with... we have just emerged from a disruptive (that's putting it mildly) few weeks!!

As we enter in a new month cycle, still riding the flourishing new moon energy of Friday... today is a great day for increased, rest, integration and solitude in preparation for the week ahead. You know what I'm going to say, right?

B R E A T H S . . .

There's 3 main aspects I want to cover before we cannonball into April...

1. Relationship Reflection

A HUMUNGOUS theme over the past 3 weeks was relationships. Relationship with our closest loved ones and of course, with numero uno, ourselves. What I found across the board, was the most painful aspects of our relationships came up for review... and this time, the cat was let of the bag, and she had wild, razor-sharp claws, ready to attack!! The disruption in your relationships was not to punish you or make you think like you made the wrong decisions, it all came to the surface, even in brash and unsettling and painful ways, to reset the relationship... first with yourself and with your loved one(s) for all the new that's coming your way.

Take a moment for...

Relationship Reflection:

When [INSERT massive painful cat-out-of-the-bag-razor-sharp-claws-bust-up-happened], at first,
I felt...

I reacted...

Then I got relief, when I.... and.... 

I feel resolution looks like....

I can see the old pattern was...

I understand I can reset the new pattern by...

I now know I always...

Well done. Now you can come back to this any time that disruptive pattern lifts her claws. You know how to move back to your resolution with ease.

2 Cannonball

The energy is increasing throughout the month, which is welcomed, and especially from April 17, you'll probably notice a difference in momentum. What felt stuck, is now in motion, the wheels are now well-oiled and turning. A restlessness and a firey must-do-it-all-now-now-now energy will keep arising. YES, forge ahead and keep taking action BUT be aware not to over-evert yourself or expect others around you to over-exert themselves either. Be mindful to balance action with integration, brainstorming with meditation, outward exertion with inward reflection. For as much time as you go-go-go, set time to be-be-be. Especially with the career momentum, be steady and be sure to get out into nature every day.
3. Allow the change

Every night for the past week, I've woken up in a sweat, changed my clothes and moved to the other side of the bed. Thank you single life and a double bed!! It was also my bleeding cycle. My body and mind have been hardcore PURGING. Every night, I was dreaming so intensely and so vividly. I'm not worried about it (I generally don't worry about my body) because I trust my body knows better than I do what it needs to do, and let's me know accordingly. What's interesting is that I can feel that I now feel differently about my past, my present and my future. I'm allowing this newness to settle in...

This is where it's important to be an INVITATION to change. We all want "change" when shit has hit the fan or when we've collapsed or are in pain/rage or when we've made a decision, or followed through on an action... but that's only the BREAKTHROUGH.

Change comes long after the breakthrough, change is the development, step by step, day by day, and moment to moment. Change is taking a different continuous action to reset, and eventually completely dissolve the former habit. As you allow the change, and action the change, when in times of anguish and doubt (they will show up, we all feel it) you can always welcome serenity into your arena. Serenity is surrendering, remembering that you don't need to control the change, as much as you must allow the change. You've got this!

Remember, to go back up to the Relationship Reflection... it will only take 5-10 minutes, you and your closest relationships are worth it!!

If you feel that would be a great time to get some new tools, insight and support on how to navigate a challenging life (or daily) transition, let's have a short chat to see how I can support you. 

To supporting you!

Take care and talk soon,

Alchemize your subconscious limitations to advance your desired life. Join Heidi for a 90 day transformation from the inside out and for daily offerings on instagram. 
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