Subject:Ā Because...šŸ˜» Emotions šŸ˜… Happen šŸ˜¬

Hi Friend,

Take a deep breath

and then, out, out, out...

releasing a long, relieving, audible exhale. 

Because emotions happenā€¦ we make decisions.Ā 

Because emotions happenā€¦ we think certain thoughts.

Because emotions happenā€¦ we desire.

Because emotions happenā€¦ we create.Ā 

Emotions are the bedrock of our existence, yet, somehow, we prefer to pretend emotions donā€™t exist.Ā 

Emotions assert safety and meaning to our lives.Ā 

Yet, it seems we prefer to think of ourselves a rational, emotion-less decision-making robot.

Even though, we know we are emotional human beings and we know, for example, that the emotions of ā€œfight or flightā€ indicate the difference between living and dying.Ā 

Still, on a personal level, we avoid and dismiss our emotions.Ā 

Yet we know we are emotional human beings - so why donā€™t we listen to them?Ā 

We donā€™t know how.Ā 

Perhaps we have convinced ourselves that our emotions are inconvenient or uncomfortable.Ā 

Maybe we have persuaded ourselves that emotions only lead to trouble, change or pain.Ā 

It may be that we have become more accustomed to escaping, suppressing, and ignoring our emotions.Ā 

When we try to ignore or escape our emotions, we miss out on their meaningful messages.Ā 

Even more important, we miss out on the underlying emotional patterns and the subconscious emotional patterns that keep us stuck in repeating similar situations..Ā 

Letā€™s take for example, an uncomfortable emotion such as ā€œsadnessā€.

It can be challenging to dive into the depths of your sadness on your own.Ā 

The sadness you feel may have many layers; old and new; all of which deserve to be heard and understood.Ā But because we are quick to judge ourselves, we may dismiss the importance and relevance of the personal experiences associated with feeling sadness.

Plus, when we do ā€œemotional processingā€ on our own, we may completely overlook identifying where the sadness is in the body.

Maybe "feeling sadness" is telling you that you need to meet new people because your current relationships are not nourishing you. Maybe your sadness reveals that your job has some challenges, which need discussions and fixing. Maybe your sadness is showing you a deeper hidden wound thatā€™s yet to heal, which needs assistance through professional emotional processing.

This is a benefit of working with a coach or therapist or a healing session because you can be held in a safe, compassionate, energetic embrace to face your deepest "I don't want to go there" emotions.

Listening to our emotions is a skill.

Which means that if you donā€™t have that much experience with processing your feelings or understanding them, you can learn.

Like every skill, you can practice.

Remember that respecting and honoring your emotions is really about respecting and honouring yourself.

Here's a SELF HONOUR PROCESS you can practice Friend:


First, we need to identify the emotion, therefore we must feel the emotion.Ā 

Take 3 deep inhales and exhales, and ask yourself

How do I feel? Ā 


Next, we need to give some space to explore the emotion deeper;
What am I feeling beneath that feeling?

Where did this feeling come from?


Next, where in my body am I feeling this emotion?


Next, what is this feeling reminding me of?

Is this is a real threat to me in this moment or is this a familiar emotion from the past?Ā 


How often and where is this repeating in relationships, career, life experiences?

As I mentioned, because emotions happen,

emotions can seem overwhelming and confusing when we face them alone. Equally doing the ā€œSelf Honour Process" outlined above, may sound exhausting or intimidating or even impossible, and thatā€™s OK.Ā 

If you're feeling sadness, anxiety, lacking purpose, low confidence and tiredness, and you would like the support of a healing session to

be with yourself & your emotions

so you can listen to yourself,

understand yourself,

honour yourself,

please book a session here.

If you have any questions or queries, please respond to this email.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



loveĀ life, liveĀ love.

devotion in motion to being you.

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