Subject:ย At the brink of change? ๐Ÿ˜ฌ 4 ways to win! ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ˜

Hi Friend,

Why can't I get everything I want and everything stays the same??

Unfortunately, that's not how change works and that's not how growth works.

When we find ourselves at the brink of change,

even when the changes are the things we've been wanting, waiting, wishing for -

the bouncer brain kicks into gear with the lions and tigers and bears, oh no! aka our vulnerabilities, fears and limitations.
The discomfort swells and overwhelm floods like a tsunami.

Here's 4 steps for overcoming the obstacles of change so that you can win your future!

1. Be cautious of the word "Again"

Oh no I don't want this hurt again.

Oh no I don't want this to fall apart again.

Oh no I don't want [insert tragic] experience again.

Your bouncer brain wants to keep you safe so it will quickly fire up the cellular memory bank of

"oh I've been here before" "oh I know how this goes".

You're not the same version of yourself 1, 3, 4, 10 years ago.

Yes something painful may have happened but thinking it will just happen again is projecting your past into your future.

2. Evidence

Move beyond the projections from the past to focusing on the evidence of the present and most recent present.

What's working and going right?

What's been good?

What has been a success?

Gather evidence of experiences, interactions and conversations that are encouraging, inspiring, supportive and productive.

Evidence for the future is in the now - it needs to be seen, heard and felt to break the cycle of "again" dragging you down.

3. Clarify vision

What's the outcome you really want?
What's been happening lately that evidently supports this.

Drishti is the sanskrit term used to softly maintain a focused gaze on a particular point in front of you. "Where our eyes are directed our attention follows".

When you know what you're moving towards, you can start to allow visions, feelings and plans for the future pull you towards the future, rather than project limitations from the past.

3. Self Manage

In order to support the vision you have for yourself, a conscious effort is needed to self-manage.

It's important to start taking small steps towards the greater vision you have for yourself. As soon as the small steps become consistent and effective habits and patterns, you'll be on the fast track to success. Taking care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally will help you stay focused on the outcome you desire. It's also important to give yourself grace when setbacks occur. Learning from mistakes is like fertiliser for growth.

4. Faith

This is part that kinda sucks. After all the effort to overcome the fears, review evidence, refocus and take action, then, you have no choice but to to take the leap of faith and let the f*ck go.

You have to trust, trust trust. You have to trust yourself. Have faith that your actions will lead you to the future you desire. It's that delightful delicate balance of cultivating self-belief and confidence, while also remaining humble and open to letting the experience unfold.

You can never be too sure what new opportunities await when you take a leap of faith!

Cosmically speaking, March is the month for self renewal.

#1 Renew your vision for your life

#2 Reconcile your thoughts, emotions and behaviours in a positive direction towards your vision

Renewal is uniquely formulated to support us with the cosmic currents of this month.

-> RENEWAL in your trust in yourself and your decisions

-> RENEWAL in your self confidence (that the life you want is up for grabs and YOU can pursue it)

-> RENEWAL in the release the guilt, blame and shame from the past that's still got some emotional residue in your patterns/behavious you put on yourself

The unique RENEWAL formulation includes:

Crab Apple flower essence is medicine is all about accepting yourself as your are and embracing all perceived flaws and imperfections.

Pine flower essence encourages to release the guilt and blame you put on yourself

Cerato flower essence to assist you to trust in your decisions.

No matter how hard it is to stay afloat amidst the waves of change - this month* is a chance for renewal, to make unfamiliar, meaningful changes that will prosper into your new future.

*Aries new moon coming up on March 21st!

You've got what it takes to meet the future you're been setting up for yourself for the past few years - keep going!!

Magi vibes,


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