Subject: Are you there yet? 😠

Hi beautiful,

Are you enjoying the new blossoms of Spring?

There is an incredible intelligence within you that is constantly responding to your thoughts and words... your mind is amazing. 

Do you feel that your mind is in control of you?
Are you in control of your mind?

To figure out who's in the driver's seat, we need to bring a little space to your thoughts.

Intentional slow breathing is the gateway.
Breathe deeply in (mouth closed) for 4 counts, 
breathe deeply out (mouth closed) for 4 counts. Repeat 8 times.

When you bring some awareness, a new perspective to your thoughts can formulate.

Let's ask your mind some important questions...

What should you be doing now? 

Write down your answers.

Next, finish the following sentences:
I should BE...
I should OWN...
I should DO...
I should LIVE...
i should HAVE...

Now, can you tell if you, your heart or your mind is in control?

Can you see how harsh and critical you are being of yourself?

Can you see how you are judging yourself?

When you hold yourself hostage to a "should" you are telling yourself
"you're not good enough" 
"you're not doing enough"
"you've failed" 
"your wrong".

Can you think of times in your early childhood, childhood and adolescence when someone said these to you? Probably after that, you started believing it and saying it more and more to yourself.

This is what I would call programming, and destructive programming to be more exact.

It's thoughts that have programmed into your psyche (by people who most likely did not intend to hurt you, they just didn't have better tools for themselves at the time, and were doing what was done to them) and therefore are still driving your experiences today. The way we we were treated when we were young, is the way we learned how to treat ourselves, and therefore is the way we still treat ourselves now.

Would you like to stop destructing your potential with your own thoughts? 

Would you like to have a space to really listen to yourself, to gain a better understanding of yourself, so you can figure out how to create new thinking patterns that are true to who you are now?

Let's get the foundation right.

I'm interested in getting to the root of the pain, anxiety, illness,
so that we can uproot it, till the soil, plant new seeds and strategise a new growth (watering/nurturing/trimming) plan. It is spring time after all! :)

Similar to the plants & planets, we innately follow patterns in our life. Many of these patterns developed early in life through our environment. That's not to say your childhood was bad or wrong, but most likely you went through some painful experiences. Now, how you live as an adult, you have outgrown the old patterns, yet you are still living the former patterns (subconsciously) which is creating chaos in your life.

"Working with you is like spring cleaning my psyche" is how one client put it this week, and I particularly like the comment, as I am throughly enjoying the Berlin blossoms this week.

I am here to work with people who want to enquire deeply into your unique, natural bio-physiology and neurophysiology. I am not interested in finding something external to "fix" you. 
I'm interested in your internal landscape; where we will look at 
  • what is your body communicating to you,
  • what is your mind communicating to you and 
  • what result this is having on you, your health and happiness (aka reengineer the subconscious patterns creating pain, illness and anxiety).
You can book your session here, and in the meantime, take a few moments to complete the "shoulds" exercise. It might be the revelation you've been seeking this week! 

To supporting you,

P.S For all the professionals with busy work weeks... I work Saturdays. :) Book your session here. :)

Alchemise subconscious limitations to your health and happiness with a session with Heidi.  
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