Subject:ย A new way to ALIGN with a new you ๐ŸŽ new meditation for you ๐Ÿ˜

Hi beautiful, 

Today I want to support you in focusing on you and aligning with FUTURE YOU. 

I've got a new way to do it... it includes a question and a gift. Make sure to watch the video to the inside scoop. 

What do you have to do now?

3. Listen to the Guided Meditation, it's also here


And.. remember, if you would like a guide to clear the blocks and sabotages to Future You? Here's the link to read more about personal transformation with Heidi, here's the link to book your session.
Let me know who shows up in your Future You and how prepared do you feel to becoming fully you?

To supporting you,

S A T ~ C H I T ~ A N A N D A

Heidi Lidholm

N A T U R A L   A L C H E M Y 
transformative life coaching + reiki sound therapy

a holistic framework for healing and creation to
overcome limitations to live the life you want.