Subject: A new paradigm for unity Friend 🌷🌻🌹

Hi Friend,

Let's kick off again this week with some slow, deep belly breaths.

Take some moments to

Inhale for 1, 2, 3, 4,

Exhale for 1, 2, 3, 4.

How's your heart? your stomach? your feet?

It seems almost irresponsible to not mention the rampant division and discrimination going on in our world.

The policies and politics, globally, are promoting an agenda of division.

An agenda of division is as old as warfare itself.
Divide & Conquer.
It's the oldest trick in the dictatorship handbook.

“Divide and rule, the politician cries;
Unite and lead, is watchword of the wise.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Gedichte

We live one living, interconnecting, inter-correlating organism - planet earth.

If co-vid19 as a virus has taught us anything - it has clearly established that we all breathe together, globally.

We all share the air.

There is no mask that will contain it, nor should it tolerated to attempt to do so.

“When two brothers are busy fighting, an evil man can easily attack and rob their poor mother. Mankind should always stay united, standing shoulder to shoulder so evil can never cheat and divide them.”
― Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Regardless of which side of the fence you have chosen to stand - the only resolution is unity.

Yet, we have not been taught how to unite.

Please don't add insult to injury by furthering for one moment longer, that there is a peace treaty on this blue planet that practices (not promised) and fosters (not fanfares) unity.

Therefore, we each have the amazing opportunity of forging new paradigms of unity.

We can come together.

We can unite.

But where do we start?

Investigating into what divides us and what unites us would be a nice place to start.

And I guess, like all good investigations into discernment - we best begin with ourselves.

Where are you divided mentally and emotionally?

Why is this? 

Create the space to sit it with what you are questioning in your life.

  • What are the pros? the cons?

  • What's your past experiences with it?

  • Do you think because it happened in the past it must happen this way?

  • Is there a right way?

  • Is there a wrong way?

  • How?

  • Where did you get this belief or reason?

  • Do you want to keep the belief or reason?

  • Could there be another way?

  • What would be the best case scenario?

  • What would be the worst case scenario?

  • What evidence for truth is there?

  • How truthful is the evidence?

  • How do you know this to be true?

  • How do you test if something is true?

Without drawing any conclusions, walk away from your reflections.

Let the questions breathe through your life for a few days.

Ask the universe to show you evidence and guide you to the answers.

After a few days return to your reflections.

  • Are you still divided?

  • What would make you feel united - mind, body, heart and spirit on a subject?

  • Do you know what the unity of mind, body, heart and spirit feels in your body?

We cannot unite globally,

without unity within ourselves.

This is the real work.

We have every shiny object, addiction, relationship,

digital connection, job, holiday, task, date to distract us from it - but there will only be in peace in the world, when there is peace within.

It's too easy to cast this off as lofty nonsense.

We fight this "nonsense" of peace within - yet it's secretly what every person craves ~ to be peaceful, untied in their mind, body, heart and spirit.

Think of the times you have felt most peaceful?

It's when your heart, mind and body were aligned, relaxed, at ease in the moment. Right?

The final piece of today's Sunday self-enquiry, is a little less about self and a little bit more about - the other.

Here are some questions that you can ask to deepen relationships with those around you - by investigating into the notion of "caring" - how to care a little bit more about the people in our lives:

  • How was your sleep?

  • Have you started any good book or lately or did you read something or watch something during Juletide that you liked? What did you like about it? Have you had a personal experience similar to it?

  • Do you find it easier to follow your head or your heart when making decisions?

  • How or when do you feel peace?

  • How or when do you feel fully alive?

  • Is there anything troubling at you moment?

  • What is something that you are procrastinating on?

  • What is something that you didn't do last year that if you did do it this year it would mean the world to you?

  • Why do you think you didn't do it last year?

  • How do you discern if something is true or false?

  • What's going really well for you in your life right now?

We can come together.

We can unite.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,



love life, live love.

devotion in motion to being you.

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