Subject: 👣 yourself to clarity Friend🌕

Hi Friend,

The moon is shining brighter and waxing to its peak… something new is coming!

Yet, do you feel like the ground is slipping away from you right now Friend?

As the rumbles of change shake out the old, revelations will occur and some patience is required.

BUT avoid reacting hastily or recklessly!

Instead, take a step back and give some S P A C E to each new revelation.

Like opening, a nice bottle of red wine ~ let it breathe to fully embody the structure of itself in the open air.

But how?

Feeling stuck or uncertain about a big decision?

Here’s what I do when I’m resisting a decision -

Take it for a walk.

Choose a walk - 20 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours.

For ONLY the walk and for ENTIRITY of the walk, put on your metaphorical shoes - walk as if that thing you’re resisting (or manifesting) has happened.

Give yourself permission to explore ALL the feelings, possibilities, conversations, pitfalls and passions of this new reality as your reality, from good outcomes to bad ones, but don't worry: no need make any commitments yet!

At the end of the walk, I don't have to hold on to any of these situations.

I don't have to like them or want them or choose them and I don't have to make a decision.

The only objective is to FEEL how it could be.

It allows us to move towards clarity in our current situation without having to actually make any choices just yet.

Chances are when you come back from that hike through nature, things will become much clearer than before.

So grab those shoes and get 'em walking-you never know how far they'll take you! 👣

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending love,


yoga + emotion potions

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