=> Answer the following 4 questions
💫 #1: What are 3 things you love to do? These are the activities that bring you the most joy, make you feel alive, and light you up! (Not about getting paid or if the world appreciates it as much as you do).
🌟 #2: What 3 things are you really good at? These talents, skills, innate abilities, behaviours are the things that come natural to you and have you developed them along the way.
🌎 #3: What 3 things do you believe the world needs? Only you can bring your unique perspective and experience to the world - be it a local community or a global need - what do you see that we need?
💸 #4: What 3 things are you paid for? List the ways/skills/work/talents that you have been or are paid to do. Bonus points for listing out the aspects that you love the most about the work or find the easiest to do and that you are paid to do.
NOW = At the intersection of these four spheres lies your very own Ikigai – the beautiful sweet spot where your passions, talents, the world's needs, and your vocation come together to create a life of purpose and fulfillment. 🎯