Subject:Β πŸŒ™ Time to Heal Those Old Wounds πŸŒ™

Hi Friend,

Did this weekend bring up some old wounds for you?😳

You know, those things you thought were healed but somehow got triggered or amplified again? 😀

It's like falling into the same old traps and feeling stuck. It's frustrating, right?

But here's the thing I want you to know: you have healed.  You're not alone, and you're not back at square one.

You've already made tremendous progress on your healing journey. That discomfort you're feeling? It's a sign that you're on the brink of a breakthrough, a treasure is waiting got your discovery to propel you into living future you.

Let's go uncover the treasure Friend!

That's exactly what we're going to delve into this week in our "Yoga & Manifestation" NEW MOON workshop. It's all about:

☺️ Regulating into a feeling of safety, reestablishing connection with yourself, and finding clarity when those triggers arise.

🎟️ Soothing the fear that keeps playing on repeat. We won't just brush it aside or try to control or suppress it.

πŸ¦„ Get comfortable in a new sense of self that isn't defined by old patterns of pain. We'll set a vision for your future and take new actions to get there.

Now, I won't lie, growing into a new version of yourself can be uncomfortable and confusing - but the timing of the New Moon is on your side!

PLUS practicing presence and being in tune with yourself will also be liberating, rewarding, and empowering.

The purpose of the workshop is to give you more comfort, confidence, peace, and clarity in who you are now and how you want to live life on your own terms.

If you're eager to sign up for this transformative experience, Keep those eyes peeled, as πŸ‘€ I'll be sending you the link tomorrow.

Get ready to say yes to feel safe while your life expands into your new vision!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you magical πŸŒ•  moon vibes,


yoga + emotion potions

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