Subject: 😌 Serene Summer 😴 Sleep ➡️ 10 Tips!

Hi Friend,

As the warm summer nights settle in, it's important to prioritize our sleep so that we can make the most of the bright, shiney Summer season.

Sleep plays a vital role in our physical, mental & emotional health.

Quality sleep allows our bodies to repair, rejuvenate, and restore. Sleep

  • enhances immune system function,

  • promotes mental clarity,

  • supports emotional well-being

  • boosts good relations with others.

Therefore, practising a healthy sleep routine can contribute to higher energy levels, improved focus, good moods, and overall, a fullfilling and happy life.

Short sleep, disrupted sleep and poor sleep was a common thread among clients this week, so here are 10 tips to unlock your best summer sleep!

#1 Create a Peaceful Sleep Environment:

Transform your bedroom into a serene sanctuary. Keep it cool, dark, and quiet. Use blackout curtains or an eye mask to block out any excess light - you might not think that this makes a difference but it can make a huge difference on increasing deep REM sleep. Phone charging outside of bedroom and ideally, phone outside bedroom or on airplane mode while you sleep.

#2 Red Light Therapy

There are many devices and many scientific studies in support that red light wavelengths stimulate melatonin which helps to regulate and improve sleep. While I haven't bought a fancy device yet, I did change my main bulb in my bedroom and bathroom to a red tinted lightbulb (costs about €4) - so that I can create a more relaxing ambiance before going to sleep and in the bathroom that I don't have a stark light that wakes me up if I use the bathroom at night. I find the red light really soothing and relaxing.

#3 Unwind, let go, breathe before bed

The blue light emitted by screens can disrupt sleep patterns. Instead, roll out the magic carpet (yoga mat) and fast forward to Savasana. Choose one soothing song - and listen to it (3-4 mins) while you lie there, breathe and be with your body.  Tell you body to let the day go. This will help to calm the nervous system, release tension, and prepare your body and mind for a restful night's sleep. I can almost guarantee, if you're breathing deeply and slowly, that by the end of the song, there will be at least one yawn out of you!

#4 Set a Consistent Sleep Schedule:

It's not exactly sexy but it's the cornerstone of good sleep. Establish a regular sleep-wake cycle by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up refreshed.

#5 ROMO - Relief Of Missing Out

In order to establish this routine, you're going to have to say NO to certain engagements and say NO to yourself to watching another show. Consider the concept "the relief of missing out" and let yourself do what's best for you!

#6 White Chestnut Flower Essence:

Consider incorporating the natural support of White Chestnut flower essence into your sleep routine. ( Check out this instagram post). White Chestnut essence has been known to calm a restless mind and reduce repetitive thoughts. This essence is in the Chill Emotion Potion.

#7 Chill is also highly effective if your sleep is affected by worrying about the unknowns of the future. There are essences in Chill to relieve fears of the future, as well as an essence to help direct you towards the next step on your most fullfilling life path.

#8 Herbal Remedies

From a nutritional natural health perspective - a cup of chamomille tea or valarian tea or passionflower tea before bed is highly effective for soothing the nervous system and promoting good sleep. Different herbs/flowers will affect people differently, so if you don't like the taste of chamomile and valarian didn't knock you out - then switch it up and try one of the other two.

Beyond teas, there's the higher potency tinctures - powerful sedative tinctures include passionflower tincture, skullcap tincture and california poppy tincture. 

Ashwanganda - this is a great supplement to take in the mornings or afternoon, it won't have a sedative effect but it's like a hug and someone stroking your hair - but for the nervous system.  I recommedn ashwanganda daily if you want to overall reduce stress by soothing flight/fright response in the nervous system and to feel overall greater ease with relaxing and unwinding.

#9 Be Here Now Calming Mind & Body Mist - this is a permanent fixture in my sleep routine and sits on my nightstand. Spritz on your pillow and into your hands as you take some deep breaths before bed. It's soothing, balancing blend of flower essences and sweet smelling essential oils, instantly imbue relaxation, quieting the mind and enhancing quality of sleep.

#10 The Power of Your Feet

This is also a permanent feature in my sleep routine - I like to rub olive oil on my feet with some spritz's of Be Here Now. Before I had Be Here Now, I used lavendar essential oil - which I equally highly recommend. If you have never rubbed lavendar and oil of your choice (ghee, coconut oil, olive oil, etc) into your feet before bed, you're in for a sleepicious treat!!

Remember, building a new routine takes patience. Optimal natural health isn't complex, but it does require consistency and commitment. 

Experiment with these tips and discover what works best for you - let me know what works for you!

I hope these 10 tips elevate your summer with the gift of restful sleep and rejuvenation.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Sending you peaceful nights and vibrant days,


yoga + emotion potions

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