Subject: 🌕 Reconnect and Rejuvenate

Hi Friend,

As the full moon graces the night sky, it brings with it a powerful reminder: symbolically, this is when the conscious and subconscious unite, attuning to your complete and full self. All possibilities reside within you.

The cycle of change that began in 2020 is spiralling around for review, integration and ushering the opportunity for new beginnings. Perhaps you have taken a few detours since then - and learned a whole lot - and now it's time to reclaim your desires and integrate your strength and let go of all that stands in your way.

Change can be a daunting, especially when so many aspects of our lives are shifting beyond our control. From global shifts in our economy and society to transformations in our personal lives—career, relationships, lifestyles—nothing feels the same as it did before, even if much of it may look the same.

Furthermore, our usual coping mechanisms and escapes seem limited or even unavailable because we're tired of them. We long for new!

But how do we create change when we can't escape?

For those of us who thrive on planning and strategizing, how can we make sense of a world where uncertainty looms large?

If you've ended a relationship or found that work is no longer your focus, it's natural to wonder how to navigate this new terrain without self-destructing.

And perhaps the most significant and uncomfortable question is this: Were the ways we were working and living just elaborate masks, concealing what we truly needed to address in our personal lives?

In times like these, it's essential to take a deep breath and listen to your raw, authentic desires.

The challenges and issues that have been haunting you are surfacing for a reason.

It's okay if

  • the same patterns keep emerging,

  • you thought you'd healed but find the wound wide open,

  • you're unsure about what to do next,

  • you're experiencing anger, exhaustion, and confusion.

This time can be an opportunity to unpack the heavy backapack, clear the old, plant new seeds, and build a new foundation for a different future.

You can be the director of this change!

If you've been looking for a space where you can relax your mind and body, align with your soul - I invite you to book a ReSource Session, where you'll:

🌕 Breathe: Take a moment to simply breathe, allowing your body and mind to relax.

🌕 Review & Resolve: Unpack the monkey mind and explore fresh perspectives.

🌕 Deeply Relax & Restore: Replenish your body's vitality.

🌕 Explore New Tools: Discover practical, simple plans for moving forward.

This is where inner assessment meets outer alignment, where you can be the director of change in your life, not its victim.

As the full moon signifies a time of completeness and possibility, this is your moment to reconnect, rejuvenate, and rediscover the power within you.

But don't just take my word for it. Here are two testimonials from last week from two brave souls who have experienced the transformation of a ReSource Session:

🌟 Sarah, Marketing Executive "Heidi's ReSource Session helped me find clarity during a turbulent time. I left feeling refreshed and equipped with practical tools to navigate change with power that I didn't know I had before the session."

🌟 Michael, Small Business Owner "I was skeptical at first but that can tell you how much I was stuck in my head, but the ReSource Session truly shifted my perspective and connected me with my body. It's like a reset button for the soul. I'm now approaching my business and personal life with newfound energy."

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you inner strength and new beginnings,


yoga + emotion potions

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