Subject: 📢 December Anxiety Survival Guide 🌟

Hi Friend,

We made it to December! As we waltz into the most wonderful whirlwind of the year, let's take a closer look at anxiety, how it effects us and what we can do to epower ourselves. Each week this month, we'll dive into "anxiety" in; relationships, mind, body, business and soul.

The holiday season brings with it a stack of social commitments, from casual festivities to big family gatherings to the Xmas work party. It's no secret that these events and their aftermath can sometimes make our anxiety skyrocket.!

Here's 9 tips to tackle social anxiety head-on and make this year's festivities enjoyable and memorable.

1. Keep it Simple: Listen more, talk less. Instead of feeling pressured to share your accomplishments, focus on the person you're talking to. Let them do the talking while you show genuine interest. Remember, it's how you make people feel that truly matters.

2. Free Yourself: Imagine a scenario where you're completely at ease in family gatherings. Visualize yourself in those situations, feeling comfortable and confident. Embrace this mental liberation and let go of any discomfort holding you back.

3. The Power of Saying No

Sometimes, the best way to combat social anxiety is by setting boundaries. It's okay to decline invitations or take breaks from social interactions. Prioritize your mental well-being and choose activities that align with your comfort level.

4. Seek Support

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. Reach out to a trusted friend or family member who can provide a listening ear and offer encouragement. Sometimes, all it takes is a heartfelt conversation to alleviate anxiety and gain perspective.

5. Self-Care Moments

Amidst the chaos, don't forget to prioritize self-care. Set aside moments for yourself to relax, recharge, and practice mindfulness. Whether it's deep breathing exercises, walking outdoors or engaging in activities that bring you joy, make sure to dedicate time for your own well-being.

6. Celebrate You

Embrace who you are and recognize your own worth. Remember that you have something valuable to contribute to every social gathering. Your presence alone is cherished by those around you, and they look forward to spending time with the amazing individual that you are.

7. Embrace Imperfections

Let go of the pressure to outshine others or compare your achievements with theirs. Embrace the beauty of imperfections and focus on creating genuine connections with people. It's the moments of authenticity that truly leave a lasting impression.

8. Positive Affirmations

In the face of anxiety, equip yourself with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strengths, resilience, and the progress you've made. Repeat empowering statements that boost your self-confidence and help you navigate through challenging situations.

Remember,Friend, you have the power for this holiday season to be joyous and memorable experience.

Stay tuned for more from the December Anxiety Survival Guide next Sunday.

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you a week of setting your tempo,


yoga + emotion potions

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