Subject: ⚠️ 9 Ways to Silence that (September) Inner Critic 🤫

Hi Friend,

Can you believe it's already September? It feels like summer just slipped away without a proper goodbye!

But you know what?

September brings a whole new "getting sh*t done" vibe with it - and I like it! ;)

This month, it's time to get back into the swing of things, to be productive and take practical action to finish the year in our full glory!

However, with this change, we often find ourselves being OVERLY critical of ourselves and others. Our inner critic can be quite limiting, setting unrealistic standards and making us doubt our abilities. Just me?

But fear not! If being super self-critical is edging you towards escapism, perfectionism, self-sabotage or proceastionation - here are simple tactics to help you confront that inner critic with courage, compassion and celebration!

  1. Morning Mirror Love

Every morning, get into the habit of looking at yourself in the mirror and stating your affirmations—intentions that you want to bring to the world. These can be sentiments you feel about yourself (big or small) that empower you. You can choose a goal that you want to manifest in your life. I trust myself. I can... I will... I am...

2. Feet Love

Before I put on my socks - anytime of the day - I take it as an opportunity to give my feet some love. I slather coconut oil all over my feet and put on my socks. Giving yourself a super simple self-adoration practice, helps to appreciate your inner and outer beauty. Plus tells you and the universe "I care about me!"

3. Start reading a new book

When need a great escape, how about getting lost in a book? A hot romcom novel, a great political thriller, or a book of poems and get carried away with words. Your intellectual mind will absorb the content and get lost in the plot lines or twists. You’ll be so consumed with reading that you’ll want to stay clear of all messy drama.

4. Get found in creativity

Through art, you can get out all your frustrations and annoyances, release your emotions and tensions while making something that’s aesthetically pleasing. Get out the pencils or paints or even just let yourself doodle on the page - let the creative mojo flow!

5. Sing!

Belt it out for that matter! Singing your favorite song will open up your throat chakra, which will allow you to speak your truth. This will help you move towards your visions and reduce stress, as you can manifest your September goals with certainty.If the car is the only place you feel comfortable doing it - then go visit that store in the next town over!

6. Attitude gratitude

When life is good (and even if it's not so good) start noting all of the amazingness and awesomeness in your journal or even on your to-do list. By graciously counting blessings, we get more blessings!

7. Energy clearing - but, daily

The way the world is right now, just do yourself and everyone a favour to cleanse your surroundings with ethically sourced palo santo, sage or other herbs (lemon balm, rosemary, frankincense and myrrh). This will dissipate negative vibes in the home and in your space.You will be able to lean into your gut feelings and make the best decisions possible without hesitation.

8. Hips don't lie!

We tend to carry a lot of stress in your hips, which is why you’ll need to loosen up these stagnant tensions with yoga or dancing. Postures and dance moves ;) that activates and stimulate the sacral chakra will help unlock your emotional flow, sensuality and creativity. Hello, feeling balanced!

9. Breathing and movement in yoga

Breathe some new life into your mind, body and work a bit of yoga. Spending time stretching out your muscles on a mat can benefit your mind, heart, body and spirit. Yoga will allow you to expand your mind, so you can be in the moment instead of focusing on the small stuff. I like to think of yoga as the gift that keeps on giving to my body, soul and mind!

So, my friend, Friend, let's conquer September with courage, celebration, and some extra self-care.

Which one of these 9 tactics can you name as your go-to for when getting sh*t done starts to hit the self-critical fan??

Embrace your journey and trust yourself along the way. You've got this!

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you courage, compassion and celebration


yoga + emotion potions

P.S. Remember there's always a way to soothe your nervous system and take the edge off, naturally:

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