Subject: 🌲 7 Natural Ways to Unwind + Recharge Today

Hi Friend,

How are you feeling today?

The bustle of high summer can bring a whirlwind of demands and expectations, from summer social events to work commitments and everything in between.

How can I be everything to everyone, look my best, activate "Out-of-office" while not worrying about what's piling up and play,

and relax, and declutter, and, and, and...

The pressure to do it all and make the most of your downtime can sometimes feel overwhelming.

In a world where there's a constant push to escape stress through various means, it's important to remember that true relaxation and rejuvenation can come from within.

So often I hear - but I don't know what to do to recharge and relax, even when I have time?

So here's 7 simple and natural ways to take the edge off, helping you recharge your energy and find balance amidst the chaos.

Imagine a weekend where your activities replenish you, strengthen your mind, and relax your body.

 Here's 7 Ways to Take the Edge Off Naturally:

This is the quickest, zero-cost way to feel better. Yes, you will find yourself moving slower, yes there will be moments of pain, but as you observe different tempertures, surfaces and textures with your feet; your mindchatter will subside. Then, the body will start to absorb and integrate the natural charges from the earth and soothing harmony will be replenished in the body.

 "When I am grounded I am resetting my entire biological clock so that it is in harmony with universal, cosmic rhythms and that is the basis of healing."

Turn up the volume and let loose by throwing some shapes! It's a great way to release tension and boost your mood instantly.

Switch your phone to airplane mode for 3 hours - is a great practice for reclaiming time that can filled with a clear mind and "you time" without distractions.

Spend a few moments lying on the grass, belly down. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and allow the earth's energy to release the tension in

your stomach and feel supported physically and recharged energetically by the earth beneath you.

Treat yourself to a warm sea salt foot soak. It's a relaxing way to unwind and release any built-up stress.

Inhale the sweet, earthy, fruity forest scent blended with serenity-inducing flower essences to transition into relaxation mode anytime, anywhere – at home or outdoors. Be Here Now is the 100% natural, organic calming mist helps to instantly imbue relaxation into those hard-to-relax moments amidst chaotic schedules and endless distractions.

What happens when it comes time to unwind and you just can't turn off your mind? Chill works quickly to calm the mind and restore balance.

Each of these activities offers a unique opportunity to recharge and relax.

Which one of these activities could you do today?

There's one more question left to ask ~>
what's the best that can happen?

Wishing you relaxation, fun, and well-deserved self-care.


yoga + emotion potions

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