Subject: Why I Don't Believe in New Year's Resolutions

Hey there Friend,

I mentioned last week that I don't do New Year's resolutions.  Why?  Well, there are several reasons, each of which I go into in my new post (which you can find here:

Instead of a New Year's resolution, I set a theme for the year.  I've found themes work much better for me - they are more forgiving and malleable.  I can set goals for the year that help me to grow and honor my theme.  But, trust me, they aren't the same thing as resolutions.

You can get the full story at:
What do you do?  Do you set a New Year's resolution?  If so, do you generally achieve your resolution or (like the majority of us) do you forget about your resolution before January is even over?  Does a theme sound like something you'd like to set for 2017?  If so, what will it be?

I'd love to hear your thoughts about this topic and what you do/do not do at the beginning of each year.  As always, your comments are welcome.


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