Subject: What Is Two Factor Authentication & How Do You Set It Up?

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Want to Increase Your Cybersecurity But Don't Know Where to Start?

  We've all had those messages from our Facebook/LinkedIn friends. "Don't click on that message - I think I have been hacked".

One of the quickest and easiest things you can do to increase the security of your online world is to add dual-factor authentication. But what is it and how do you do it without ripping your hair out? That's the subject of this week's beginner's guide.

What is 2FA?

Passwords suck! We all know they suck, yet every tech program or app these days seems to need a password to get into them.

If you are like most people, by the time you are asked to enter your fiftieth password for the day, you start to tell yourself that using the same password this one time surely won’t matter.

So, you reuse your kids or dog’s name and their date of birth just this one time for the next 400 passwords.

Pretty soon, everything from your bank account to your Flybuys card can be opened with Rover090920. (As an aside, the 9th of September is the most common birthday of the year).

Hackers rely on your brain fatigue (and, let’s be honest, laziness) to merrily have their wicked way with your life by getting access to one of your combos and then using it everywhere possible.

One thing you can do (other than learning how to set decent passwords or using a password keeper) is to set up and use Multifactor Authentication (or 2FA or 2MFA for those who love acronyms).

What is 2-Factor, Dual Factor or Multifactor Authentication?

Your password is one thing or factor that you use to get into your accounts.

If you add in another thing or factor to confirm that you are who you say you are, you add 2-factor authentication. If you add more than one extra thing or factor, then you are using multifactor authentication.

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Business Idea of the Week

Add Dual-Factor authentication to all your "money" accounts, websites and business-critical accounts this week. It is one of the top ways to reduce your risk of being hit by ransomware or being hacked.

Need a hand getting online without the overwhelm?

Give us a call or drop us a line. We would love to help!

Online without the overwhelm

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