Subject: How to Review Your Website Content

Is Your Website Content In Need of an Overhaul?

  Every website needs a regular website content review as part of their ongoing maintenance to ensure the content is delivering maximum value to your clients (and to Google).

Here's the easy guide to what, how and when to do one.

Content marketing is hip right now. It’s so hip that I feel like I should be sporting a massive beard while sipping a single origin blend coffee from an obscure African country out of a mason jar.

What is Content Marketing?

It is where you sneak up on customers and confuse the heck out of them by giving them helpful information, amazing tips and incredibly useful content … without charging them for it.


Content marketing works on the concept that by being helpful we can build trust with potential clients and that when the time comes for them to buy something, they will fondly remember our brand.

In most websites, when you blog you are doing content marketing. Unless your blog is more akin to a personal diary, where you breathlessly disclose the minutiae of your life with the same fervour of a teenage girl, then chances are you are sharing useful content.

We are also seeing a trend with the content on general website pages, where rather than going in for the hard sell, we are now seeing a lot more useful content designed to help inform rather than dazzle consumers.

Content marketing is the new black.

However, before small businesses scale the pinnacles of content marketing and create a whole heap of brilliant new website content, they first need to wade through the swamps of content reviews.

What Is a Website Content Review?

A website content review is the simple act of cataloguing and reviewing everything on your website.

It is the first step of every website rebuild and should be an annual thing for every other small business website.

Cataloguing and reviewing sounds gentle. It sounds peaceful. It sounds like something done by motherly women in twinsets and pearls while wrapping books in clear contact paper at the local library.

Unfortunately, website content reviews are nothing like that.

Business Idea of the Week

Do you have a maintenance schedule for your website? All websites need regular maintenance. Unless you plan and schedule in time to do the maintenance, things can fall through the cracks.

Our website maintenance plan clients have their contact forms regularly checked, broken links checked, PHP settings checked, email DNS settings checked, security reviewed, and traffic analysed amongst all the regular plugin and theme updates.

This week, create a maintenance schedule for your website to ensure you get the maximum useful life out of your investment, increase conversions and to reduce the risk of hackers.

Don't have the time, skills (or interest) to maintain your website? We offer WordPress website maintenance packages so you can focus on what you do best.

Need a hand getting online without the overwhelm?

Give us a call or drop us a line. We would love to help!

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