Subject: Healy, Database Lists, Power Of Three

Hello Healy Journey-ers,

Today I wanted to share 2 things...

1) An answer from support about the blue dot app database lists (missing Materia Medica)
2) A story about using the "Power of Three" program group which is available in your shop for a one time price through 5pm EST 1/30/2022 (midnight 1/31 Germany time). After that it moves to a monthly subscription.

For item's what I sent to support:

Is there a list of all the databases available in the Heal Advisor Analyse app?
I used to see Materia Medica and now it’s gone or it’s been renamed. Please advise. Does it have a new name?

The databases of the HealAdvisor Analyse App were updated on May 3, 2021. New databases were added, and some databases were simply revised. For example, Pain/Psyche is not available for the new activations, and Materia Medica (also called Digital Homeopathy) is now a part of Creative Homeopathy. The databases were originally developed for therapists and contained many terms that require special knowledge for application. For normal users, these terms can lead to far and overwhelm the user. Therefore, we have removed all special terms to make the databases easily usable and accessible for everyone. For devices purchased before May 3, 2021 the old databases will still be available. Since there are now duplicates, we have marked each with a “2”. For devices purchased after May 3, 2021, only the new databases will be available. If there are further questions please do not hesitate to ask. We’ll do our best to answer and solve your request.

For Item 2...I read this post in one of the Facebook groups and I found it fascinating and it excited me to use my recent purchase of the "Power of Three" program group.

"Power of Three
I have been doing the Master Cleanse for about 14 days.

Today I was feeling a bit down so I ran the Zapper.

As it processed through I felt tired and sad. I was like...hmmm this isn't quite what I wanted, so then I ran Deep Cycle/Digest All and within a few minutes I started to feel so much better!

Remember that parasites will secrete hormones that make us sad or anxious so that we eat more comfort food that creates a good environment for them to thrive.

When you create an environment that starts starving them you will start to feel sad or tired which could them and could also be the emotions stored in the fat from when you ate the comfort food to ease the feelings in the first place. As you start to release the protection from emotions fat, the feelings will come up as they are leaving the body. So breathe into them and use the Healy to help them leave more easily.


The Zapper helps to release the bad stuff.
Follow it up with Deep Cycle/Digest All so you can process the gunky stuff you want to release, whether it's parasites, toxins or heavy emotions.

Then run Release so you can flush it all out.

Then Friendly Flora, to replenish your gut with all of the good stuff!"

Speaking of the "Zapper" the term comes from the device made and sold by Hulda Clark and that device alone costs over $300 so the program group that gives you access to all the Zapper frequencies AND SO MUCH worth the one time price. Just login to your account and visit the SHOP and then Program Groups to buy ($305.80 + tax in US).

Below is a picture of the Program Group if you'd like to take a peek...
[Be sure to turn on images on your phone or computer]


Welcome to 2022! I wish you a great year of happiness, blessings, and great health!

I will be back in 2022 to support you with Healy via my Monday night Zoom meetings. Thanks to everyone who continues to come to nearly every meeting. I couldn't do it without you and I enjoy our time together!

I had to create a new meeting in Zoom so there's a new registration link.

The details for all zooms (including cancellations) are always on this page (and at the bottom of every email) so save this email or bookmark the link below

IMPORTANT: There's now a password for the site:


The recordings are also posted on the same page linked above. I typically post them within 24 hours of the zoom meeting.

The first zoom for 2022 will be on Monday January 17th. 

If you have gotten off schedule with using your Healy and need to get things reset so you can start using it again, you won't want to miss the zoom on 1/24/2022.

I'll be spending time updating both of my apps and will share my iPhone to the screen so you can see how it's done. The zoom will be recorded (as they all are) and available

I love to know who's still engaged with my newsletters so please do me a favor and just hit reply and let me know if you are OK or if you need help with anything.

Healys are on currently on sale for buy one get one free (through the end of January 2022). Please reference the email sent by Healy Corporate or reply if you have questions.
And as always...

I'm HERE TO HELP! Please join us on the Monday night zoom calls. You will love our little growing community.

If I can help in any way, please reply to this email...and give me a little time to respond. I am unable to provide any support via text messages. It's too much for me to type with one finger :-)

I'll be back on Zoom Monday 2/7/2022

Monday Night, All Things Healy, Emphasis on Support and Q&A, Misc Topics
Please register for my Monday night Healy Zoom meetings for Assistance with All Things Healy and Q&A. These zoom calls are an optional way for me to support your Healy journey and they are all recorded and logged with "show notes".

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.

Every First and Third Monday starting Jan 17, 2022

08:30 PM Eastern Time
07:30 PM Central Time
06:30 PM Mountain Time
05:30 PM Pacific Time

MUST Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. SAVE THIS EMAIL as you can use the same link inside the email for the entire year of 2022.

I wish you WELLNESS...BEYOND what you may have ever imagined.

Blessings to you and yours,

Sherri Kirklin
Sonbeme Enterprises, Inc.
Georgetown, TX (best way to reach me with fastest response time)
512-417-6358 (text...or phone calls by appointment only)

Sonbeme Enterprises, Inc., 723 W. University Ave, Ste 110-218, Georgetown, TX 78626, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.