Subject: From Sherri, Healy Aura Analysis Revisited

Hello Healy Journey-ers,

Happy 2025!

I was gifted some incredible information about using the Healy Aura Analysis module and am allowed to share it with you.

I've never spend much time with this application that many of us own with the Healy Analyzer app.

Here's where you can find the info on my website (no longer password protected).

Look for the following topic on the right side of the page (on a computer).

"Aura Analysis Training from Abbey Dasi Smith for 2025"

From Abbey...

"Have you been confused on how to read your Healy scan results ? 🤯

The Healy Potency Chart explained 🤓

You may have seen random numbers at the top of your aura scans that don't make sense but this is what it means… 🌟⁉️

"D" symbolises issues that manifest in the physical plane.

"C" represents an awareness of negative thought patterns that generate intense emotions and, over time, create limiting beliefs.

"LM" signifies extraordinary levels of vibration, beyond the mind and body. If LM comes up, it indicates something beyond our control, something on a higher plane.

Here are some examples. Let's consider addiction. Suppose someone is struggling with a sugar addiction specifically.🍫

On the D1 to D60 level, you might notice physical symptoms, such as a weakened immune system. This level is associated with the physical action of eating chocolate.

Next comes the C1 to C60 level. This level is about recognising that the addiction stems from a mental-emotional realm. For instance, someone might be eating chocolate without realising it's a mental compulsion. They might be doing it because of heightened emotions or recent emotional upheaval.

Then we have the LM level. This level involves recognizing an addictive behavior as something beyond our control. It could be a spiritual or soul-level issue, possibly a disconnection on a spiritual level.
Someone might believe that eating chocolate is the only way to survive on an unconscious level.

Trust issues can also come into play. They may not trust that life is safe without the addictive pattern.

With D1E6 / D1E36
We can also work on a karmic ancestral level. This level is interesting because it can involve something you feel you're carrying forward, like a sense of lack.

Remember, each level goes deeper. It might be something you see in family patterns and behaviour, something that feels beyond your control. Or, it might be something that comes in on a more psychic level. It could be something imprinted deep within, something inherited."

Be sure to download the associated PDF she has shared.

From Sherri...

I still use my Healy nearly every day and am here (for life) to help you with yours. If it's been on the shelf for a while and you need help to get it going again, please reach out to me at

I wish you WELLNESS...BEYOND what you may have ever imagined.

Blessings to you and yours for 2025.


Sherri Kirklin
Sonbeme Enterprises, Inc.
Georgetown, TX (best way to reach me with fastest response time)
512-417-6358 (text...or phone calls by appointment only)

Sonbeme Enterprises, Inc., 723 W. University Ave, Ste 110-218, Georgetown, TX 78626, United States
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