"Thank God for €0ViD!"
That's what a HEALTHY AMERICAN said to me at one of our recent Patriot Empowerment events.
She said that she "thanked God everyday for €0vid" because the whole situation made her wake up to the realities of tyranny -- and she felt more passionate about life, and was willing to do whatever was necessary to defend her freedom.
She also said that even though she was estranged from friends and family members, she made NEW FRIENDS and had new interests and passions and purpose in life.
Can you relate?
I share my own perspective on this in this 5 minute clip of my recent appearance at a freedom group rally in Long Beach, CA, hosted by Maureen Flaherty of the Family Meet-ups/Assembly.
You can email Maureen here if you want to join her meet up groups that meet every weekend in Southern California. maureenflaherty@earthlink.net