Perhaps you are like me, and have studied emergency management.
If so, you know that there are four phases of emergency management:
(1) Preparing for an emergency
(2) Occurrence of the emergency
(3) Recovery from the emergency
(4) Mitigation of the emergency
Unless, of course, you happen to be in California!
In that case, the phases of emergency management look something like this:
(1) Declare a fake, phony, false, fraudulent emergency
(2) Redistribute tons of hush money/blood money to keep people hooked
(3) Keep the emergency going
(4) Keep the emergency going
Oh yeah -- and the ever-important bonus step:
In my featured video below, you'll see my snarky analysis of the tyrant-in-chief's latest extension of the emergency, and why his governance of my beloved California continues to fail.
Be sure to join me DAILY starting at 5:00 pm Pacific for my daily shows on my Youtube channel The Healthy American Peggy Hall.