NOTE: If you are already registered for the CONCIERGE CONSULTING CALLS, please check your email (and trash/spam) for the link to this evening's call
These are some of the questions we are answering TUES AUGUST 24, 2021 5:00 pm
1. What about the FDA approval?
2. My boss wants to know if I’m a member of your church.
3. Is it valid to use these documents since I bought them from you?
4. What if I got vaccines in the past?
5. My boss knows I’m not really “Christian”. Can I still get a religious exemption?
6. I was told that some states got rid of religious exemptions.
7. What if my boss still wants me to wear a mask and get tested?
8. Is the vaccine the mark of the beast (in the Bible)?
9. Where does it say in the Bible that I shouldn’t get vaccinated?
10. They want me to fill out this electronic form. Should I do it?
11. They are delaying their response to my request. Should I just keep going to work?
12. Who do I appeal to if they deny my request?
13. I have my own dental office. Should I send my exemption to the Health Dept?
14. My son’s college dorm is making him get tested weekly. Is that legal?
15. What if I’m Buddhist? Can you still help me with my exemption?
16. Should I have a lawyer write me a letter instead? Will that work better?
17. My boss said there are no religious exemptions for masks and testing. Is that true?
18. What about medicare? I have a special needs child and they want her to be vaccinated.
19. Can Pastor David fill out the form for me?
20. Can they put me on an unpaid leave or say that this is a “voluntary resignation”?
21. How long do I have to wait until they respond to my request?
22. They want me to do an “interactive meeting” but you said only do it in writing. Help!?
NEXT CALL FOR AUGUST IS SUNDAY AUG 29, 5:00 - 6:30 Pacific