"Britt's (Somewhat Controlled) Rant:
A recent personal experience opened the floodgates to some righteous indignation I've been feeling for two and a half years that I've managed to suppress thus far. I like to be fair and I try to be understanding. Nevertheless, here we go.
I’ve been going to the same eye doctor for years. He takes good care of my eyes and has performed a couple of small surgeries on my eye lid. He’s become a good friend as well as my doctor. When the Covid scamdemic first surfaced, the office receptionists accepted that I was not going to wear a mask and it wasn’t a big deal for them. Then, as the months of lies and propaganda dragged on, office personnel became more adamant that I wear one. Coming in for an appointment two months ago, after I had made it clear at the front desk I was not wearing a mask, the receptionists became very agitated and insisted I that I must. I refused, was immediately ushered into a treatment room, and did not have to wait long before my doctor came in. I said, “I’m a real troublemaker, aren’t I?” He laughed and whispered, “I love troublemakers!” I asked him when the silliness was going to end and he answered, “When we elect new people.”
Last week when I had an appointment in the same office with the eye surgeon who removed my cataracts five years ago, a kerfuffle developed between the new office manager and me over my refusal to wear a mask. Then, an extremely unpleasant, mask-wearing, skinny-as-a rail, women with kinky gray hair, around 60 years of age, decided to storm up to the front desk and give me a piece of her mind. She insisted that I leave or find another eye doctor. I calmly said, “Excuse me. I don’t know you. Why are you talking to me?” She continued to rant and rave about her scientific knowledge and announced to me and all the mask-wearing people in the waiting room that she was a virologist and my refusal to wear a mask was endangering lives. The office manager tried in vain to shut down her temper tantrum, but the woman was on a rampage and could not be reined in. The venom in her eyes aimed in my direction could have cut glass. I quietly told the office manager I would wait in the hall until they called me.
While waiting, I wished like crazy I had said to the mentally disturbed woman (if she had quieted down long enough) “So if you believe that there are Covid germs floating around the room, and you believe that your mask absolutely protects you, why do I have to wear one?” Then I should have proceeded to give her the Peggy Hall argument (https://www.thehealthyamerican.org/ ) – “Do you believe I have to wear sun block, so you don’t get sun burn? Do I have to wear a raincoat, so you don’t get wet in the rain? Is that what your science education taught you?” I wonder what she would have said. Unfortunately, she was so irrational I doubt if she could have processed my questions and replied.
After a few minutes the office manager came out into the hall (a nice young lady) and practically begged me to just hold the mask over my nose as I walked through the waiting room. I told her that went against my principles. She sighed and gave up, and we had a brief, pleasant conversation that clarified exactly what’s going on and is the reason I’m writing about this. She said she knows mask wearing is not good for her health. “How do you think I feel? I have to breathe my own carbon dioxide in and out all day. I know it’s bad for me. But if we don’t wear masks and if I let people like you not wear masks, it will frighten the people who are terrified of Covid germs, and they won’t come back.”
So, there you have it. The mask-wearing, ignorant masses are making rules for the rest of us. Their irrational fears are deciding that nurses and doctors who know better must wear masks so as not to lose customers. This has been the situation since the beginning of this debacle – the mindless, fear-mongered masses who choose not to listen to their common sense, were the very people who opened the door for Fauci, vaccine companies, and the White House to shut down and destroy our economy, discriminate against people who won’t get the poison jab, prevent the unjabbed from working and traveling, harm and kill millions of people with toxic chemicals, human cell lines, animal pus, and spike proteins, and cause millions of more animals to be tortured and killed by vaccine vivisectors.
What would have happened if these millions of ignorant people had refused to give into fear, had chosen independent thinking, had done their own research, and had protected themselves and their children from convicted pharma criminals instead of choosing to be sacrificed on the altars of the vaccine gods? I will tell you. Nothing would have happened. Life would have gone on as before. The World Health Organization and Klaus Schwab and his minions in The World Economic Forum would not be planning ways to have the world population controlled by billionaires. If the mask-wearing, jabbed masses had turned off mainstream media and refused to become brainwashed, the Covid scam would have passed us by like all the other scamdemics pharma tried to sell us in past decades. We were so much smarter then – before Pfizer and the rest of them owned TV. Nothing to see here, folks. Just more B.S. brought to you by the greedy, evil, pharma CEOs who will do and say anything to make money. Ignore the phony flus and viruses as always and go about your business.
But that didn’t happen this time. The ignorant masses swallowed the pharma B.S. whole and have led us to where we are today – from discriminatory medical office waiting rooms to the medical injustices in the U.S. armed forces and my own segregated actors' union SAG-AFTRA. Everywhere freedom is being suppressed and more suppression being planned I put the blame squarely on the paranoid zealots like the woman who verbally attacked me in my eye doctor’s office. We won’t let them win, of course, but they are a major pain in the behind.
As of November 25, 2022, VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) shows a total of 69,408 adverse reactions in children under 18 from the Covid vaccines. According to a study done for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in 2011, less than 1% of vaccine injuries are reported to VAERS. That means a probable number of 6 million children have experienced adverse reactions, including death. And all those injuries can be laid at the feet of parents who have remained willfully ignorant even though the evidence of Covid vaccine harm is all around them. Excusing their actions because of media propaganda doesn’t cut it anymore. How many more children must suffer from myocarditis, pericarditis, and drop dead of heart attacks before vaccine true believers wake up and put the safety of their children above their allegiance to the vaccine religion? The vaccine zealots I know personally will never do that. Fauci is their god and will continue to be their god no matter how many millions of children Fauci has killed all over the world with his drugs and vaccines.
Vaccine companies fell all over themselves pushing vaccines for pregnant women. The result? VAERS reports that so far there have been 4,571 fetal deaths from the Covid vaccine. Which means at least 450,000 fetal deaths have occurred in vaccinated women. No one can insist any longer that they did not know the risks.
When it comes to the Covid scamdemic, I no longer believe in live and let live - if you want to wear masks and get jabbed, fine, just leave me alone to make my own choices as to what I want to do with my body. No.
Unfortunately, when it comes to the intentions of the evil doers, the world doesn’t work that way. The more people they can convince to be their willfully witless slaves the more difficult it will be for the rest of us to hang on to our freedom. The harsh reality is the mindless masses want to drag us down with them. But I also believe that the ultimate victory over the evil doers will be ours. Their own hubris and underestimating the determination of truth seekers will do them in."
--- Britt Lind