You know and I know that the "pandemic" (planned-demic, scam-demic) never was as we were told.
Computer models based on flimsy possible scenarios, non-stop fear-mongering (or flu-mongering as I call it) and other authoritarian weapons were used to instill fear and compliance.
Yes, hundreds of thousands of people have died in the past 2.5 years... some of them died of natural causes that were attributed to cooties; some of them were killed because of the "treatment" for cooties; and thousands and thousands more are dropping dead right before our eyes sue to the lame, absurd, anybody-can-see-through-the-scam of "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome."
You know and I know that the extermination of the population (and complete control of those remaining) are major goals of the evil-doers.
The head puppet of the evil puppet-masters himself, the "occupier in chief" now casually declares that "the pandemic is over."
You might want to applaud this declaration -- as many did when the happy news that masks are no longer required on airplanes (be sure to see my video where I give you my not-so-happy analysis on that story)...
But hang on a minute.
No president has the authority to declare emergencies and UNDECLARE them on a whim.
There are laws that strictly prohibit -- and prescribe -- exactly what can and can't be done in the event of a true emergency.
Notice they are no longer using the word "emergency?" Any third-grader can tell you emergencies are immediate, unexpected, and do not last for 2.5 years!!
I've done hundreds and hundreds of videos on what the END GAME is: and that is for people to think that a president (or governor, or mayor, or health officer, or grocery store clerk) can tell them what to do.
Um, no.
Only LAWS restrict behavior.
We do NOT live in a country with a political system of "one-man-rule."
And THAT is what these hog-washers keep trying to destroy.
I will not let it -- will you??
P.S. In tomorrow's newsletter I'll bring you updates on my own lawsuit against the county, fighting for maintaining our Constitutional Republic!
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