Subject: did I just make you an accomplice in my crimes?

Hey Friend...

I was listening to a podcast this morning during my workout...

And in just 30 minutes I had 3 new pieces of content to write about, do videos about blog about, post on social, do podcasts on...

Or, put wherever I want.

I wasn't working this morning, but I was given 3 new pieces of content that can be producing residual cash flow for me for the rest of time.

Let me ask you this...

Does it seem hard to do what I did today?

All I did was do what I was already going to do.

I workout out for 30 minutes.

And I listened to my favorite podcast while doing it.

Yet... I "created" cash flow producing content.

Well.. I didn't create it yet, but it's there on my every growing, never ending list of things to put out into the universe that will continue to bring me good will and cash flow forever.

I used to think...

And you are probably thinking this too...

That every piece of content I put out had to originate from me.

It was overwhelming.

I actually go so overwhelmed that most of the time it crippled me and I did nothing.

And them I realized something.

"There is nothing new under the sun."

And even that was "stolen" content!!
(Ecclesiastes 1:9)

But, here's my point...

It's not your job to re-invent, or come up with new concepts and ideas and products.

What is your job is to make sure that you are serving your perfect customer by making sure that they have whatever information, tools, products, services they need to get what they are seeking.

Now... here's the one thing that you DO need to do if you want to get the most out of all of this "stolen" content. 

Here's how to make yourself the go to guy/gal that people seek when they need solutions.

4 Ways to Make ANY Piece of Content YOURS and Get The Cash Flow From it For Life!

1.  ALWAYS give credit to the person(s) you're learning from.

2.  Determine what personal stories can you tell around the content piece, and add them.  Your stories can actually be about OTHER people.  You just have to tell it.

3.  Determine what personal experience you have that you can inject into the content.

4.  How can you write or speak, or record the content piece in YOUR own voice, with your own beliefs, etc.

That's it.

The content is ALREADY everywhere.

You just have to "swipe" it and put your own wrapper on it.

It's funny... because the most common question I get when it comes to affiliate marketing (after traffic) is this...

"Nick, what do I write emails about (or do videos, blogs, podcasts, etc)?"

And it's actually the simplest thing.

It's ALREADY done for you!

Just like everything else in affiliate marketing.

You just have to put your own spin on what's already waiting for you.

So today, I challenge you to go do what you were going to do anyway...

Watch the YouTube videos you were going to watch.

Listen to the podcasts you were going to listen to.

Read the blogs and books you were going to read.

But, do it with open "Marketing" ears.

Do all of it with PURPOSE.

And that purpose is to find little gold nuggets that you can use to serve your people in the best way possible.

I promise you this...

If you do that daily... you will have ENDLESS content.

Your perfect customers will love YOU.

And that love will turn into trust that will turn into sales.

Which is the ultimate win-win business scenario.

Your customers getting exactly what you need... and you being rewarded for bringing them to the solutions.

I love this game!

Oh... and since you are already an accomplice now to my "content swiping" crimes, you may as well have my BEST training on it...

I recorded it for you and put it in the HBA back office.

It's a super quick training, but worth millions to you.  Literally.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

The 30 Minute Workday

Remember... You CAN Work Less and Live More!

P.S.  Send me a quick message and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.

Here are the 3 best ways to contact me...

1. Connect with me here

2. Text me here
(517) 273-1618

3. Reply to this email

P.P.S.  Remember... You CAN Work Less and Live More when you know how to swipe the most amazing content and make it yours...

The 30 Minute Workday, 903 S. Latson Road, Howell, MI 48843, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.