Subject: Pay Attention Friend (the BEST email swipe ever)

Hey Friend...


I used to suck at writing emails.

Nobody ever opened them.

Nobody ever clicked on any links even if I did get a random open.

And I was not only quickly going broke...

I was accumulating debt trying to build an online business at an alarming rate.

I actually buried my family under nearly $50,000 in debt, partly because I wasn't doing something that I actually could have been doing the entire time...



All I had to do was open my eyes

When I finally did... I saw 2 things:

1.  Like I already told you, my emails sucked.  Big time. 

That's not the nicest word, but it's the nicest one I can type here to describe how bad they were.

2.  There was a simple way to get all of the best emails on the planet (regardless of niche) delivered right to my inbox daily, and all I had to do was...

P_ _   _tt_ _ _ _ _ _!

(Yes... that's a little game of hangman)

What I will tell you, is that those 2 words won't ever cost you a single penny.  

You can use them to have an endless supply of the world's best email swipe delivered to your inbox every single day... for nothing!

I'm talking about emails that people not just want to read...

But emails that have people setting special alerts on their phone, so they can read them the second they come in.

Emails that get opened.

Emails that get read.

Emails that get links clicked on.

And what I know you really care about....

Emails that produce instant cash-flow for you!

I actually put a training right inside of the HBA back office that you can go and listen to right now.

I even show you how to set this little email swipe system up so you can have all of the best emails delivered into special folders in your email automatically without crowding up your inbox.

Folders that you open anytime you want to type an email that drop cashola into your bank.

If you want the power to open your laptop or computer...

Type a 5 or 10 minute email...

And go do what you want with the rest of your day with complete financial and time freedom...

This is what I believe to be the most valuable discovery that I have ever made.

In fact, the first year I started using it...

Turned into over 6 figures of nearly autopilot income.

It's that good!

Here's how you can start getting access to all of this amazing email swipe TODAY, so you never have to worry about emails again.

Here's what you'll see when you get there.

Oh... and it will save that little "HangMan" riddle for you right away!

The 30 Minute Workday

Remember... You CAN Work Less and Live More!

P.S.  Send me a quick message and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.

Here are the 3 best ways to contact me...

1. Connect with me here

2. Text me here
(517) 273-1618

3. Reply to this email

P.P.S.  Remember... You CAN Work Less and Live More when you have amazing email swipe this delivered to your inbox daily...

The 30 Minute Workday, 903 S. Latson Road, Howell, MI 48843, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.