Subject: [CONGRATS] your application was received

Hey Friend...

So I was at Meijer today, and being the Christmas season, I'm at the store a lot more than normal lately.

Ugh... I am so NOT a shopper, which is why amazon is like my favorite thing ever.

But, Amazon isn't doing groceries here yet, so for now... I've still gotta make an appearance at the store every once in a while.

Especially now, because if I make Wendie do one more bit of shopping for Christmas, and parties, and white elephants...

My Christmas present is going to be a stocking full of coal over the head.

Side Note: to all of you amazing moms, wives, and family shoppers who do a gazillion things on top of your already gazillion things for the holidays...




Ok, so back to my little shopping contribution at Meijer this morning...

While I was there... I saw your potential future.

Now, before I continue, and you get all puffed up and mad at me...

I've gotta say that I don't really believe it's your future because you're here and reading this email.

And, because you are here and reading this email... 

It means that being an HBA customer you also have everything you need to create whatever future that you want.


And this is a BIG butt.

Having access to something isn't the same as using it.

And while I was at Meijer, I saw numerous amazing people greeting me when I walked in, and helping me check out at the self check

(maybe I had more than 20 items, don't judge!)...

All of them were well beyond "Retirement" years.

Yet, they weren't out living the glorious roses and rainbows life they teach us when we're kids if we just "follow the rules" like successful little girls and boys.

You know the rules...

Maybe you even followed them to some extent.

1.  Go to school.

2.  Get good grades.

3.  Go to more school.

4.  Get a job.

5.  Retire somewhere around 65 and move to Florida with your bag of cash and freedom.

Well... the reality of that story is that even if steps 1 through 4 are done perfectly, step 5 is a...




Because here in the U.S. at least...

Over 85% of ALL the people who took that route, the good students and the bad alike...

End up broke and/or needing government assistance at retirement age.

No roses.

No rainbows.

No bags of cash.

Definitely no freedom.

Just years and years of work...

Followed by a "retirement" to Walmart, or Meijer or to counting the pennies left that the government sends every month hoping to have enough to survive on.

Now... a few of those "retired" people may just be bored (which says something too), but by demeanor alone, you can tell that it's not what they dreamed of when they were a kid.

But, I did say "potential" future" because you actually have the tools, the knowledge, the training, and the community to create the future of your dreams.

The future you have been dreaming about as a child.

The future where you spend your time doing what you love the most...

With the people that you love the most...

Contributing the people, and causes, and communities that you love the most.

The future that IS roses and rainbows.

That Is full freedom in EVERY way (financial, lifestyle, location, and mental freedom).

So... YOUR future is awesome.

If you want it to be.

But, it all comes down to a decision.

Do you use what you already have access to and paint your amazing future exactly how you want it to be.

Or... do you take the other route.

The one that every one else takes?

In that case... you may as well submit your application now.  

Because even if you're mad at me, or you hate me for saying it...

Decades and decades of PROOF say that if you don't take charge of your life.

If you don't learn skills that will provide for you until the end of time.

Skills that will allow you ANY level of freedom you want in EVERY way.

That proof...

Those numbers...

There like a crystal ball too.

And that future is not the one you've been dreaming of... it's the one that wakes you up in cold sweats that you're afraid of.

I'm here.

A community is here for you.

The tools, and training, and resources are here for you.

Let's lock hands and step into YOUR dream future together.

And free entire generations from the lies.

Let's free them from a "retirement" that doesn't exist.

Let's do what Freedom Crusaders do and first fight for our own freedom...

And then use out Freedom to fight for others. 

I appreciate you for being here.

I'm fighting for you.

I believe in you.

I see your amazing future even if you can't fully envision it yet.

Go through the step by step plan (IN ORDER).

Those 5 steps actually DO produce freedom!

When you take them... you'll be taking those first steps to real freedom.

To a lifestyle that you can start living now, and continue for the rest of your life.

One that you'll love and never want to retire.

Because lets face it... people only retire because they aren't doing what they love.

Take the steps you've already started and start living the life you love today.

The 30 Minute Workday

Remember... You CAN Work Less and Live More!

P.S.  Send me a quick message and let me know if there is anything I can do to help you.

Here are the 3 best ways to contact me...

1. Connect with me here

2. Text me here
(517) 273-1618

3. Reply to this email

The 30 Minute Workday, 903 S. Latson Road, Howell, MI 48843, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.