Subject: Two Quick Updates

Hi there!

Two quick updates.

First, the new URL for the explanation page is....

Second...the morning journaling exercise works
even if you just write affirmations (without reasons to
be happy).

I have been super busy in the early morning hours
lately and do not have much time for journaling...but I can
write a few quick affirmations, and they still work!

Doing this gives me a quick emotional boost
in the morning.

Which makes me wonder;
Do I really NEED to write down EXTERNAL reasons
for why I should be happy?

The great thing about only writing affirmations
("I am happy, I feel good...") is that I do NOT need
external validation; I am happy just because
I say that I am happy!

I will come back to this topic again because its
an interesting one.

But test this out yourself; just write happy affirmations
in the morning (without giving reasons first).

So write;
I am happy.
I am excited.
I feel good!

(Write about 10 of these)

....and see how you feel.

Below is my previous email.


I have some EXCITING news!

My YouTube channel is up:

I am still working on it.
(the Happiness program for MEN should be up
within 24 hours).

I will be posting MP3 programs with POWER, SELF-ESTEEM
and HAPPINESS affirmations on this channel.

Why these 3 topics?

I explain why in my DEEP PROGRAMMING report,
which should be ready in a week or two.

I explain my brand new TWO Mind Happiness Model here:

Please email me if you have any questions!