Subject: When did I know I could finish a half marathon?

When did I know I could finish a half marathon?

February 12th, 2018 at 2:03 pm EDT

When did I know I Could Finish a Half Marathon? I scheduled my long run for 7 am on a Saturday in August. I live in Texas where the July and August temperatures can easily climb into the 100s coupled with high humidity. In order to complete my run, I ...

Am I a Runner? - 5 Myths Debunked

February 4th, 2018 at 10:00 pm EDT

Am I a Runner? 5 Myths Debunked: 1. You have to run every day Somewhere along the way, you might have got the idea stuck in your head that you have to run every day to be a runner. This is absolutely incorrect. In fact, more and more research is high ...

✪ Fueling for Half Marathons ✪

January 28th, 2018 at 4:00 pm EDT

Fueling for a half marathon For absolute beginners, determining when to fuel and how much to fuel during training is always a tough one to nail down. One of the main reasons that beginners are lost when it comes to fueling is due to all of the differ ...

Friend, Sorry - I have added the Pace Predictor page...

January 15th, 2018 at 10:50 pm EDT

Hi Friend, Some of my subscribers pointed out to me that there wasn't apace predictor sheet in the PDF. Sorry about that…the PDF isnow updated with a pace predictor page. You can download it again here: Free Half Marathon Training Schedule, log sh ...

Friend, Por qué los Nuevos Corredores Fallan, GRATUITO hoy solo

January 2nd, 2018 at 2:15 am EDT

Hoy solamente, e-book gratuito, por qué los nuevos corredores fallan ¡26 Consejos esenciales que debes conocer antes de comenzar a correr! Haga clic aquí