Subject: Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays!

Traffic Dominators!!

You are getting this email message because you signed up to be a member of the Traffic Dominators group.

Today is the start of the holiday season in the United States. Today, we are celebrating Thanksgiving, giving thanks! I'm thankful for joining OLSP and developing my online business.

I started this business many, many years ago. I'm sure you have too, tried everything, buying many different "training" tools and products over the years or if you are just starting out, BEWARE, you too will spend thousands of dollars before you reach OLSP. So, if you are a newbie, get into OLSP!! It's true, it works, but it's not an easy thing to do. You'll have to study and work the system. Steady goes the increase in commissions. Most people start making good money after several months of consistent effort.

OLSP, in my opinion, is the number one online training and commission making site in the world. Many people are earning commissions by selling the various products offered by OSLP!

Attend, plug in! And get ready to take your affiliate business to the next level.

What should you do now?

  1. Go to OLSP and log in your account.

  2. Examine the website, and start on the BOOTCAMP. It will take you through everything you need to know about OLSP. Go slow, don't rush, study it and learn the things in OLSP. Wayne Crowe, our fearless leader, even gives you $20.00 for completing the BOOTCAMP.

  3. After you complete the BOOTCAMP, start on the "Training Units"  - This is left column and says "Training Units". Be sure to complete the BOOTCAMP first!

Your Dashboard (on left column) is the main link to the site. What is really nice? when you start making commission it is posted on your dashboard. Mine says "Congratulations, $1,426.67 Earned with OLSP" Yup, $1,426.67. This is with very little effort. For me, I'm setting my 2022 goals to spend at least 30 minutes a day on this and get my commissions growing! YOU CAN TOO! IT's entirely doable!

Important: "YOUR OLSP SYSTEM MEGA LINK IS: Https:// " This link is what I use to send out to people on my list. Speaking of which, I started with 0 people on my list. Now I'm close to 300.

Have you started your list? It's the most important part of your internet business. Be sure to get started and collect your email addresses and names. Most of us (and recommended by TD are using "Get Response" - Sign up for your FREE Get Response account here. 

Once you complete the training, you'll be on your way to making commissions.

The training is FREE! Cost you nothing to learn everything you need about your internet business. There are products you can purchase and promote to your list.

Be sure to sign up for Traffic Dominators Facebook page. This is explained in the BOOTCAMP.

Go for it! You won't be sorry.

Andy Lange

PS... Go to Facebook Traffic Domination page. Lots of resources there and everyone is very friendly and helpful. Wayne Crowe also does a weekly Q&A segment on Facebook Live. Plus a lot of "Lives" where you can promote your link to your list and when people sign up, they are going to probably buy what is offered.

HOWEVER, I attend the lives just to listen and learn. I have stopped buying "internet training junk and products." I now promote OLSP and the products offered there. Because it's worth the value!

Check out the "Commission Generator" The products you can promote are listed there. The LIVES will be posted here as well. Copy your link and promote it to your list.

 Happy Holidays!!!

The training is free and there is no cost to develop your own internet business.

I saw this picture today on Facebook and it is SOOOOOO TRUE! People will say "Oh it doesn't work" - "Don't waste your time." Well.... ignore them. The destiny is in your hands! Go for it!  

~See YOU There!~
Andy Lange

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