Subject: Friend, What's the Fastest Way to Learn Guided Chaos?

What's the Fastest Way to Learn Guided Chaos?

Hey, LtCol Al here--

I’m going to cut right to the chase:

If you’re new to Guided Chaos (and even if you're not), if you're serious about your training then you need to get the Guided Chaos Companion Series videos. And right now, they're 20% off until midnight August 12th, PLUS you'll get a special bonus.

These are hands down the most comprehensive martial arts training videos you’ll find anywhere.

Like I say, each day brings us new choices, new opportunities, new possibilities...unfortunately with each day we’re also burning time off of your existence. The more you procrastinate on this the less likely you’re going to begin to develop the level of fighting skill that you’ve always desired.

With my nearly 40 years of pugilistic training, from wrestling in high school to Karate, Boxing and various weapons (not to mention my training in the Marine Corps), if there’s one thing that I’ve found to be true it's, as Thucydides once said:

"All men are basically the same..." 

In other words, the qualitative difference between one man and another is not in how big or strong they are, but HOW WELL TRAINED they are.

You see, it's not a matter of whether you're so-called "tough," you're either trained or you're not and "competence breeds confidence..."


Guided Chaos is the most unique fighting system ever devised, bar none, because the training focuses on developing your combative skills through “Principles of Universal Movement” making you well trained and not just “better.” 

Let’s face it: life is short--for most of us, too short...and the one thing you don’t get back is TIME.
So, what do you want to do?
► If you're new to Guided Chaos (and even if you're not) for a limited time you can get THE GUIDED CHAOS COMPLETE COMPANION SERIES--and a SPECIAL BONUS at a drastic discount.
The Guided Chaos® Companion Series is an in-depth training compilation on becoming a "Master of Martial Movement."
The Companion Video Series Parts 1-3 will guide you from the simplest to most advanced internal principles of Guided Chaos, explaining concepts that you might never learn in a lifetime of tai chi practice.
[NOTE: Because of how they are edited, Guided Chaos videos have more vital info packed into them than virtually any other self-defense videos available.]
Training Guided Chaos cultivates the mental and physical principles of "body mastery"-- the universal path to true martial excellence.
When you purchase the Companion Series you will also get the Combat Conditioning video, FREE.
The Combat Conditioning video has all the basic Guided Chaos drills back-to-back and non-stop on one video with no theory or explanations, making it the perfect “workout” companion to the Companion Series (which explains everything in great detail!). Put it on, blast your stereo, follow along and work out--5 minutes, an hour--whatever you want! Many chapters end with a quick application demo of the skill just trained.
  • Balance, Body Unity and Looseness training
  • Dropping Energy and Striking Power
  • Footwork training
  • Hyper Balance and Tendon strengthening
  • Integrated Balance, Body unity, Looseness Sensitivity and Versatility training
The next step is yours. What do you want to do?
Get the Complete Companion series (3 videos=11 hours of jam-packed instruction), normally $94.95 at 20% off for just $74.95. PLUS, get the Combat Conditioning video, free. That's ALL 4 VIDEOS for just $74.95. 

1. ON DEMAND DOWNLOADS (no shipping fees):
 Click here, then scroll to bottom of the page for the Combo package.

2. DVDs: (Shipping fees apply). 
Mad Squirrel Productions Inc., P.O. Box 163, 10520, Croton, United States
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